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Welcome to the CARIFIS peer support group and reference library

ONCE YOU LOGIN You will be able to: - Ask a question or report a problem in using CARIFIS and get a solution from peers or resource persons here - propose improvements for the CARIFIS software starting a new thread - Share your experiences or stories on using CARIFIS, posting a document in this folder or starting a new thread - Download the CARIFIS software and manual (from the library) - Request an appointment for online chat with support person or several colleagues using the calendar

Please Before asking the question browse the FAQ in the library and the past archives discussion as your problem may already have been reported and solved . Please start a new discussion for each new topic, question or problem, with a clear subject line referring to the issue you have.

IF YOU DON'T WANT TO REGISTER or LOGIN YOU CAN STILL -reach us or submit a question by email - download the the FAQ, the manuals and the software