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Use the search menu below to access information on private fisheries establishments in CRFM Member States. Searches can be done for more than one country at a time. Hold down the "Shift" key when selecting more than one country appearing in consecutive order. Otherwise, use the "Ctrl" key then select the countries of choice. You can make your search more focused by adding other key words in the remaining fields. The chart will also update, based on the search results. Each country list below the chart is expandable, and at the end of each row of record, you can click the button to view more details.

For more information, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .




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ISO Country Codes (Alpha 3)

Anguilla (AIA), Antigua and Barbuda (ATG), Bahamas (BHS), Barbados (BRB), Belize (BLZ), Dominica (DOM), Grenada (GRD), Guyana (GUY), Haiti (HTI), Jamaica (JAM), Montserrat (MSR), Saint Kitts and Nevis (KNA), Saint Lucia (LCA), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT), Suriname (SUR), Trinidad and Tobago (TTO) and Turks and Caicos Islands (TCA).