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Tuesday, 26 November 2019 02:44

CRFM Research Paper Collection Volume 9

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As  part  of  the  Caribbean  Track  of  the  Pilot  Programme  forClimate  Resilience  a  series of  ecological, economic and social assessmentsof climate change impacts on marine resources and the fisheries sector were undertaken between March 2018 and January 2019. This synthesis provides key conclusions arising from theassessment of (1) climate risks and ecological impacts for Caribbean marine fish stocks, (2) the economic  consequences  of  ecosystem  shifts  and  of  increased  tropical  cyclone  activity  and  (3)  fisheries viability and resilience through the lens of value chains. Overall, multiple lines of evidence suggest large risk  and  impacts  of  climate variationon  the  Caribbean Sea’s  fish  stocks  and  fisheries.  Economic assessment results suggest a large pre-existing “adaptation deficit”, as the estimated economic impacts of climate   change appear   smallrelative   to documented lossesand   damages under   current   climate conditions.. Research at two local fishing sites reveals opportunities to improve climate resilience across the seafood value chain by empowering resource users to self-organize and build local adaptive capacity, promoting seafood product differentiation and identifying enablers for governance effectiveness.Several improvements and extensions to the ecological and economic modelling undertaken under this project are possible and recommended; however, sufficient information from this and previous research is available to  inform  adaptation  planning  and  targeted  measures.  Assessment  results  will  form  the  basis  of  a communications  campaign  and  monitoring and  management recommendations  undertaken  as  part of the project.

Click the attachment link below to download the document or view it online HERE.


Last modified on Tuesday, 16 February 2021 13:29
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