ACP Fish II / CRFM communication strategy project
Spiny Lobster Fishery Country Profile
Spiny Lobster Fishery Country Profile
1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | |
Quantity (kg) | 30,350,457 | 36,057,765 | 33,547,533 | 31,238,013 | 66,385,542 |
Value (J$) | 2,191,342,690.00 | 2,214,864,814 | 2,733,551,666 | 2,798,298,434 | 3,378,890,984 |
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | |
Quantity (kg) | 997,510 | 1,582,149 | 605,999 | 936,306 |
Value (J$) | 42,625,571 | 540,253,239 | 265,482,376 | 460,678,076 |
1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | |
Finfish Conch Lobster Shrimp Others Tilapia |
5578.75 1821.20 269.63 67.04 10.25 4,200.00 |
4160.98 1700.00 169.66 14.54 - 4,300.00 |
6283.74 1366.00 329.90 4.49 - 4,500.00 |
4585.55 0 517.3 36.67 - ~4,500.00 |
4348.57 946 943.39 38.5 51.38 ~5,000.00 |
7,000.00 946.00 358.67 37.54 144.00 5851.44 |
4594.92 504.25 300.00 37.00 456.00 2512.5 |
8811.03 550.00 134.49 4200 |
Total Marine Fish Production Total Tilapia Production |
7,746.87 4,200.00 |
6,045.18 4,300.00 |
7,984.13 4,500.00 |
5,139.52 4,500.00 |
6,327.84 5,000.00 |
8,342.21 5,995.44 |
5,436.17 2,968.50 |
9,495.50 4,200.00 |
Total Fish Production | 11,946.87 | 10,345.18 | 12,484.13 | 9,639.52 | 11,327.84 | 14,337.65 | 8,404.67 | 13,695.52 |
Fishery for Opsitonema oglinum, (Atlantic thread herring, locally known as sprat), Harengula jaguana (Scaled sardine) and Harengula humeralis (Red-ear sardine, locally known as pinchers). Opistonema oglinum is the most heavily sought after species in this fishery. Bait fish caught in this fishery (eg. Harengulids and Engraulids), caught by trammel and lift nets is very important as it supports the artisanal offshore (line) fishery and the recreational fishery.
This fishery is generally for fish living over coral reef area. Areas where these fishes can be found: Rosalind Bank, Pedro bank, North Coast, South Coast, Morant Bank, other offshore banks and Alice Shoal. The coral reef finfish account for the largest catch category in Jamaica fisheries. The vast majority (98%) of the catch remains in Jamaica for either local or tourist consumption.
The Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) is widely distributed in the coastal waters and the offshore banks around Jamaica. Catch of spiny lobster comes mainly from the Pedro Bank (60%). Lobster is a high priced resource and represents an important component of the total value of the landings of the Jamaican commercial fisheries. Its’ production supports a local market (mainly the hospitality industry) and an export market. The export market earns an average of US$4-6 million per year.
The shrimp fishery of Jamaica is of significant economic importance, especially in the Kingston Harbour. The licensing and registration system of the Fisheries Division (LRS) records 44 boats (motorized and non-motorized) and 153 fishermen that fish for shrimp.
Hunts Bay is the major landing site in Jamaica. All the shrimp vessels in Kingston (Greenwich Town, Hunts Bay, Port Henderson, Hellshire and Port Royal) fish in Kingston Harbour and land their catch at Hunts Bay
The Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) fishery is the most valuable foreign exchange fishery in Jamaica. This resource is exploited on the island shelf and offshore banks. The predominant fishery occurs on the Pedro Bank. At present it is estimated that up to 95% of the conch landed in Jamaica originates from the Pedro Bank. However, small amounts are also fished from the Formigas Bank and Morant Banks. The amount of conch landed from the island shelf is so far not quantified but may be significant.
The two most targeted species are Lutjanus vivanus (silk snapper) and Etelis oculatus (queen snapper locally called satin).
The deepslope fishing areas within Jamaican waters is relatively small. Catches from the deep slope represent approximately 10% of total annual catch of marine fish. The fishery needs to be better studied. There is also need for increased awareness among fishers of the vulnerability of the stock and the potential for over-fishing.
This fishery is a small fishery accessed mainly with mechanized boats. This fishery is also used for tournaments and other sport fishing related activities.