ACP Fish II / CRFM communication strategy project
Spiny Lobster Fishery Country Profile
Spiny Lobster Fishery Country Profile
Note: Rate of Exchange – B$1 = US$1
The CRFM was officially inaugurated on 27 March 2003, in Belize City, Belize, where it is headquartered, following the signing of the “Agreement Establishing the CRFM” on February 4, 2002. It is an inter-governmental organization with its mission being to “To promote and facilitate the responsible utilization of the region's fisheries and other aquatic resources for the economic and social benefits of the current and future population of the region”.
The project “Formulation of Master Plan for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development and Management in the Caribbean” has been developed with the aim to conduct a study and formulate a Master Plan on the Sustainable Use of Fisheries Resources for Coastal Community Development in the Caribbean. It is being funded by JICA under the CARICOM/Japan Cooperation Agreement.
The objectives of the study are: (i) to formulate a master plan for the sustainable use of fisheries resources in the Caribbean, focusing on small-scale operators in coastal communities; and (ii) to transfer relevant technology to relevant institutions and staff of CARICOM Member States and the CRFM Secretariat during the course of the Study. The expected outputs are: (i) a Master Plan on Sustainable Use of Fisheries Resources for Coastal Community Development in the Caribbean; (ii) Reports of Baseline and Pilot Studies conducted under the various components; and (iii) transfer of relevant technology to the institutions and staff of CRFM Member States and CRFM Secretariat during the course of the Study.
During the Study analyses will be undertaken and options proposed for a comprehensive resource management approach in the Caribbean region that may include diversification of the industry, and promotion of the optimal use of fisheries resources with cooperation between governments and communities. It will address the following components: (i) pelagic resource development and management; (ii) aquaculture development policy formulation; (iii) regional fisheries database development; (iv)support for community-based management; and (iv) education and training in the component fields in the CARICOM States. The main output will be a Master Plan on Sustainable Use of Fisheries Resources for Coastal Community Development in the Caribbean.