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Tuesday, 01 July 2014 10:59

Improving the Outlook for Caribbean Coral Reefs - A Regional Plan of Action Featured

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 A keelemenof the Caribbean region’s vulnerability to climate change is the threat to coral reef ecosystems. Regional Headof Government throughout the Caribbean have recognized thimportanrole that coral reefs play in national economies and their crucial contribution to sustainabldevelopment. Accordinglygovernments, regional leadersand coastal communities have begun to take measures to address thregion’s vulnerability and build resilience to climate change.

ThCoral ReePlan of Action provides a roadmap fonavigating the challengeof sustainably managing coral reefs to protect biological diversity while sustaining provisioof goods and services that these ecosystems providto the peoplof the Caribbean.


Thplan presents a set oobjectivefor improving the outloofor Caribbean reefs b2018. These are the result of regional consultations that identified thpriority needs expressed by regional leaders, stakeholders, officials and experts whtogether havaccumulated the experience required for tackling the issues faced in the sustainable management of Caribbean coral reefs. Thobjectives argrouped under four goals:

1.  Improve thhealth and resilience of Caribbean coral reefs

2Strengthen adaptive capacity of communities

3.  Build foundationfor national and regional action

4Advocate globally for stronger actionon climate change

Investmentin achieving thgoals and objectives in this plan will be further guided through developmenof an associated implementatioplan, and a prograomonitoringevaluation and reporting. With the supportof the Caribbean Community Climate ChangCentre,the Caribbean Regional FisherieMechanism will lead implementatioof this plan to ensure it has thbestchance of building the resilience of coral reefs to the impacts of climate variability and change in the Caribbean region.


This Coral ReePlan oAction is aligned with relevaninitiatives, sub-regional strategies and plans targeted at Caribbean coral reefs. These include the Caribbean Regional FisherieMechanism’s Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster RisManagement Strategy and ActioPlan,the 2012 Report Card for thMesoamerican Reef, and thStrategic ActioProgramme for thSustainable Management of the Shared  LivinMarine Resourceof the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystems and AdjacenRegions (CLME+SAP).


The Plan supports thvision articulated in thLiliendaal Declaration and contributes to strategic elements and goals elaborated in thRegionaFramework for AchievinDevelopment Resilient to Climate Chang(Regional Framework) and its associated Implementation Plan (seAppendix1).Through an integrated approach across these strategic initiatives, thCoral ReePlan of Action will help build regional coordination and national commitmentmotivate actions and stimulatmuch-needed support and investment from the international community in a coordinated effort to improvthe outlook for Caribbean coral reefs.


Read 14124 times Last modified on Monday, 18 August 2014 15:35
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