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Thursday, 27 November 2014 16:17

CRFM / CARICOM / Japan Friendship Year 2014: Regional Fisheries Workshop, 4 - 5 December 2014, Trinidad and Tobago Featured

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In 2000 the CARICOM Governments and Japan signed a partnership agreement entitled “A New Framework for Japan-CARICOM Cooperation for the Twenty-first Century”. Under this agreement the Government of Japan provided funding and technical assistance to CARICOM Governments in several areas of economic and social development. These included among others, Trade and Investment, Education and Human resource development, Disaster Risk Reduction, Environment and climate change, Integration in the Global Economy, and Fisheries and Agriculture.

The significant contribution of the Government of Japan to the sustainable development and management of aquaculture and fisheries in the CARICOM countries has continued more recently, with the government of Japan committing over US$3.5 million to improve the contribution of aquaculture and fisheries to the economic development of the CARICOM States by the preparation of a 3 year regional study, which prepared a Master Plan on sustainable use and conservation of fisheries resources for coastal community development. The Government of Japan also recently approved a follow up project, the CARIFICO Project, to begin implementing some of the recommendations contained in the Regional Master Plan.

The CARIFICO Project will host and support a one-day workshop on FAD management to review and discuss the results of the project to date and determine ways forward in its implementation.

 The expected outputs from the Workshops will be:

  • Discussion on national and regional levels of cooperation and interventions
  • Identification of successes and challenges related to previous interventions
  • Proposals for future interventions especially against the backdrop of the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy and the CARICOM Strategic Plan
  • Review of the results of the CARIFICO project to date and recommendations for ways forward as appropriate


 Workshop Documents

Information Note 

Annotated Agenda

List of Participants

Report of CRFM-JICA CARIFOCI/WRCAFC-IFREMER MAGDELESA Workshop on FAD Fishery Management, 9 - 11 December, 2013, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

 CRFM Presentation

Belize Presentation

 CFTDI Presentation

Dominica Presentation

Jamaica Presentation

 JICA Presentation

 St. Kitts and Nevis Presentation

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Presentation

Suriname Presentation

Report of the Fisheries Seminar Series for Japan-CARICOM Friendship Year 2014. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2014/6

Read 14291 times Last modified on Friday, 13 November 2015 15:29
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