15 - 18 January | UF Sea Grant | Gainsville, Florida |
21 - 24 January | LAC OA Symposium | Santa Marta, Colombi |
29 - 30 January | Regional Consultation on an Effective Platform for CARIFORUM and French Caribbean Regions and British and Dutch Overseas Countries and Territiries Dialogue | Barbados |
5 - 7 February | WECAFC Joint Working Group on Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD) (Postponed) | Puerto Rico |
5 - 7 February |
UK Overseas Territories Coral Reef Initiative Workshop | Anguilla |
25 - 26 February | CAF - CRFM Blue Growth Workshop | Barbados |
26 - 27 February | First National Stakeholder Workshop: Ocean-based sectors assessment and Selection | Barbados |
26 - 28 February | Technology Solution for MPA and Fisheries Enforcement and Compliance - A Regional Forum | Belize |
28 February | Launch of the National Trade Policy for Belize | Belize City |
6 - 7 March | Workshop to facilitate provisions of RPOA-IUU | Barbados |
8 March | JICA-CRFM Workshop on CARIFICO Follow-up | St. Lucia |
13 March |
CARICOM Videoconferencing in preparation for the Second Session of Inter-governmental Conference on BBNJ |
Electronic Meeting |
14 - 15 March | Technical Stakeholder Workshop on New CCRIF Models | Barbados |
20-21 March | 17th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum | St. Kitts and Nevis |
25 - 26 March |
1st Preparatory Meeting for the Establishment of an RFMO in the WECAFC area |
Barbados |
28 - 29 March | 2-day Annual Project Steering Committee Meeting | Barbados |
8 - 12 April (week) | Advisory Body of the UNDP / GEF CLME+ Project | Cartagena, Colombia |
9 - 11 April | Regional Workshop on Fisheries Subsidies for Government Officials from Caribbean WTO Members and Observers | Jamaica |
11 - 12 April | PEW - IISD Follow-up Fisheries Subsidies Meeting | Jamaica |
15 - 16 April | Fourth Meeting of the Project Executive Group (PEG) for the UNDP / GEF CLME+ Project | Miami |
15 - 18 April | IAEA Standing Advisory Group on Nuclear Application | Vienna |
16 April |
National Validation Workshop for the 6th National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity |
St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
16 - 17 April |
3rd Annual Regional Meeting of the CC4FISH Project Steering Committee |
Barbados |
30 April - 2 May | Third Meeting of the WECAFC / IFREMER Working Group on Fisheries using Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) | Isla Verde, United States |
1 - 2 May | PPCR Project Steering Committee Meeting | Dominica |
2 - 3 May | Informal Consultations of States Parties to the UN Fish Stocks Agreement- “Performance reviews of regional fisheries management organisations and arrangements” | UN Headquarters, New York |
13 - 14 May | 5th Meeting of Global Record Working Group (GRWG5) | Seoul, Korea |
15 - 17 May | 2nd Meeting of the PSMA Technical Working Group on Information Exchange (TWG-IE2) | Seoul, Korea |
22 - 24 May | Regional Workshop on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator 2.a.1 - Agriculture Orientation Index for Government Expenditures | Guyana |
3 - 6 June | 2nd Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on Port State Measures Agreement to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU Fisheries | |
7 June | 3rd Meeting of the Part 6 Working Group | |
June (tentative) | 13th Meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council | St. Kitts and Nevis |
July | Meeting of CARICOM Secretary general and Heads of CARICOM Institutions | Guyana |
15-18 July | WECAFC 17th Commission Meeting | Miami |
23-24 July | 10th CARICOM - United Nations General Meeting | Guyana |
5-8 August (Tentative) | 2nd CLME+ PPCM Meeting | |
September (Tentative) | Norway - UNU / FTP Data collection planning workshop | Iceland |
October (Tentative) | 2nd CRFM - OSPESCA | |
23 - 25 October | 4th Meeting of the Joint FAO / IMO Ad Hoc Working Group on IUU fishing and related matters | |
PPCR Project Steering Committee Meeting |