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Friday, 05 April 2019 10:09

Calendar of Events 2019 Featured

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15 - 18 January  UF Sea Grant  Gainsville, Florida
21 - 24 January  LAC OA Symposium Santa Marta, Colombi
29 - 30 January Regional Consultation on an Effective Platform for CARIFORUM and French Caribbean Regions and British and Dutch Overseas Countries and Territiries Dialogue Barbados
5 - 7 February WECAFC Joint Working Group on Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD) (Postponed) Puerto Rico
5 - 7 February
UK Overseas Territories Coral Reef Initiative Workshop Anguilla
25 - 26 February CAF - CRFM  Blue Growth Workshop Barbados
26 - 27 February First National Stakeholder Workshop: Ocean-based sectors assessment and Selection Barbados
26 - 28 February Technology Solution for MPA and Fisheries Enforcement and Compliance - A Regional Forum Belize
28 February Launch of the National Trade Policy for Belize Belize City
6 - 7 March  Workshop to facilitate provisions of RPOA-IUU Barbados
8 March JICA-CRFM Workshop on CARIFICO Follow-up St. Lucia
13 March

CARICOM Videoconferencing in preparation for the Second Session of Inter-governmental Conference on BBNJ

Electronic Meeting
14 - 15 March Technical Stakeholder Workshop on New CCRIF Models Barbados
20-21 March 17th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum St. Kitts and Nevis
25 - 26 March

1st Preparatory Meeting for the Establishment of an RFMO in the WECAFC area

28 - 29 March 2-day Annual Project Steering Committee Meeting Barbados
8 - 12 April (week) Advisory Body of the UNDP / GEF CLME+ Project Cartagena, Colombia
9 - 11 April Regional Workshop on Fisheries Subsidies for Government Officials from Caribbean WTO Members and Observers Jamaica
11 - 12 April PEW - IISD Follow-up Fisheries Subsidies Meeting Jamaica
15 - 16 April Fourth Meeting of the Project Executive Group (PEG) for the UNDP / GEF CLME+ Project Miami
15 - 18 April IAEA Standing Advisory Group on Nuclear Application Vienna
16 April

National Validation Workshop for the 6th National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity

St. Vincent and the Grenadines
16 - 17 April 

3rd Annual Regional Meeting of the CC4FISH Project Steering Committee 

30 April - 2 May Third Meeting of the WECAFC / IFREMER Working Group on Fisheries using Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) Isla Verde, United States
1 - 2 May PPCR Project Steering Committee Meeting Dominica
2 - 3 May  Informal Consultations of States Parties to the UN Fish Stocks Agreement- “Performance reviews of regional fisheries management organisations and arrangements” UN Headquarters, New York
13 - 14 May 5th Meeting of Global Record Working Group (GRWG5) Seoul, Korea
15 - 17 May 2nd Meeting of the PSMA Technical Working Group on Information Exchange (TWG-IE2) Seoul, Korea
22 - 24 May Regional Workshop on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator 2.a.1 - Agriculture Orientation Index for Government Expenditures  Guyana
3 - 6 June 2nd Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on Port State Measures Agreement to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU Fisheries   
7 June 3rd Meeting of the Part 6 Working Group  
June (tentative) 13th Meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council  St. Kitts and Nevis
July Meeting of CARICOM Secretary general and Heads of CARICOM Institutions Guyana
15-18 July WECAFC 17th Commission Meeting Miami
23-24 July 10th CARICOM - United Nations General Meeting Guyana
5-8 August (Tentative) 2nd CLME+ PPCM Meeting    
September (Tentative) Norway - UNU / FTP Data collection planning workshop Iceland
October (Tentative) 2nd CRFM - OSPESCA  
23 - 25 October 4th Meeting of the Joint FAO / IMO Ad Hoc Working Group on IUU fishing and related matters   

PPCR Project Steering Committee Meeting

Read 8279 times Last modified on Friday, 05 April 2019 12:06
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