Date | Event | Location |
24 January | Stakeholder Consultation of Barbados’ Fisheries Policy | Barbados |
28 - 29 January (postponed) | Caribbean Development Dialogue (Meeting with donors and development partners) | Guyana |
28 - 31 January | First National Workshop - Stewardfish | Jamiaca |
29 January (Postponed) | 35th Meeting of the Executive Committee | Electronic Meeting |
3 - 7 February | National Workshop for Enhancing Climate Science Basis of the GCF Funded Activities | Cambodia |
4 February | 1st Meeting of the Independent Strategic Review Team | Virtual |
10 - 13 February | Mission to IAEA Marine Lab | Monaco |
13 February | 4th Meeting of the CARIFORUM-EU Special Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries | Electronic Meeting |
10 - 14 February | Second National Workshop - Stewardfish | Barbados |
13 February | 4th Meeting of the CARIFORUM-EU Special Committee on Agriiculture and Fisheries | Electronic Meeting |
16 - 23 February (Postponed) | Visit of Chinese Aquaculture Experts to Jamaica, Guyana and St. Kitts and Nevis | Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis |
17 February | Launch of CCAT and Seminar on rules and procedure for initiating action | Barbados |
17 February | 11th Special Meeting of the Community Council of Minister | Barbados |
18 - 19 February | 31st Intersessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government | Barbados |
24 - 28 February | Visit of Consultant to CRFM Belize to review accounting Fiduciary systems etc (2nd Stretegic Review) | Belize |
25 February | Consultation on WECAFC Reorientation: Completing the questionnaire | Virtual |
26 February | Second Senior Officials Meeting on WTO Fisheries Subsidies | Virtual |
26 - 28 February | Regional Preparatory Meeting for next session of the BBNJ Conference | Virtual |
5 - 6 March | Inception Workshop of the GEF Funded Blue Growth Project | Belize |
9 - 13 March | 3rd National Workshop - Stewardfish | Antigua and Barbuda |
10 March | 19th CARICOM-Japan Consultation | Guyana |
11 - 12 March | Annual Project Steering Committeee Meeting of CC4FISH | Barbados |
16 - 18 March | 2nd Meeting of the WECAFC - CRFM - OSPESCA Fisheries data and Statistics Working Group | Panama |
17 - 18 March | CARIFORUM Preparatory and 3rd Meeting of the Task Force on the 2020 Review of the CARIFORUM-EU EPA | Guyana |
17 - 20 March | Special Meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development | Guyana |
18 - 20 March | 4th National Workshop - Stewardfish | St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
18 - 20 March | Joint Meeting of the CLME+ SAP Interim Coordination Mechanism and Project Executive Group | Miami |
19 March | Special Emergency Meeting of the Secretary-General CARICOM and Heads of Community Institutions | Virtual |
19 - 20 March | WECAFC Regional data Workshop | Panama |
23 - 25 March | Technical Meeting on the Use of Nuclear and Isotopic Techniques to Strengthen Member States Seafood Safty programmes | Monaco |
23 - 25 March | Towards a Sustainable and Resilient Caribbean Blue Economy | Antigua and Barbuda |
23 - 27 March | 5th National Workshop - Stewardfish | Saint Lucia |
24 March | 4th cooperation Meeting of the ACS | Barbados |
23 March - 3 April | 4th BBNJ Conference | |
2 - 3 April | 50th Regular Meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) - Officials | Guyana |
3 April | Special Meeting of the CARICOM COVID 19 Food Security Task Force | Virtual |
6 April | Follow-up Meeting to the Special Emergency Meeting of the Secretary-General, CARICOM and Heads of Community Institutions | Virtual |
7 April | Consultation for the Environmental and Horizon Scans to inform the development of thee Community Strategic Plan 2020 | Virtual |
7 April | CRFM Business Committee Meeting | Virtual |
06 - 10 April | 6th National Workshop - Sstewardfish | Belize |
15 - 16 April | CARIFORUM Preparatory & 3rd Meeting of the Task Force on the 2020 review of the CARIFORUM EU-EPA | Guyana |
15 - 17 April |
Joint Council of Ministers with responsibility for Trade and Fisheries Workshop on the WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations Technical Working Group for Trade and Fisheries Officials |
St. Lucia |
16 - 17 April | 23rd Meeting of the Council for Foreign and Community Relations (COFCOR) | Haiti |
17 April | 2nd Meeting of the Independent Strategic Review Team | Virtual |
15 - 17 April |
Joint Council of Ministers with responsibility for Trade and Fisheries
St. Lucia |
16 - 17 April |
Meeting of Official Preparatory of the 23rd Meeting of COFCOPR |
Guyana |
20 April |
CCAT Plenary Meeting |
Virtual |
20 - 24 April | 7th National Workshop - Stewardfish | Guyana |
21 - 24 April(Postponed) |
3rd Meeting of the Sustainable Ocean Iniative Global Dialogue | Korea |
22 - 24 April | 3rd CLME+ Project Steering Committee Meeting | Panama |
23 April | 5th Meeting of the CRFM/CARICOM Fisheries and Aquaculture Priority Commodity Working Group (FISHCOM WG) | Virtual |
23 - 24 April | 50th Regular Meeting of COTED - Ministerial | Virtual |
24 April | CRFM Senior management Meeting | Virtual |
28 - 29 April | UN Decade on Ocean Science for Sustainable Development | Virtual |
29 April | CRFM Countinental Shelf Fisheries Working Group (CRFM CSWG) on Atlantic Seabob Fisheries of Guyana and Suriname | Virtual |
6 - 8 May | 18th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum | Virtual |
11 - 14 May | 2nd regional Meeting on WECAFC Reorientation | Honduras (Tentative) |
14 May | Fisheries ICM Meeting | Virtual |
15 May | 28th Meeting of the Legal Affairs Committee (LAC) | Guyana |
15 May | CRFM Senior Management Meeting | Virtual |
25 - 26 May | 14th meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council | St. Lucia |
2 - 6 June | UN Ocean Conference | Lisbon |
8 - 11 June | 12th WTO Ministerial Conference | Kazakhstan |
9 June | Biodiversity Webinar in celebration of Worl Ocean and World Environment Day | Virtual |
16 - 18 June | CLME+ Project Steering Committee Sessions | Virtual |
25 June | 14th Meeting of the CRFM MinisterialCouncil | Virtual |
July | 41st Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the CAribbean Community | St. Vincent and the Grenaddaines |
5 - 10 July | 14th International Coral Reef Symposium | |
13 - 17 July | FAO COFI | Rome |
October | 15th Quadrennial of the United Nations Conference on Trade and development (UNCTAD XV) | Barbados |
9 - 13 November | 73rd GCFI Meeting | |
12 - 13 November | 11th WECAFC SAG |