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Thursday, 18 February 2021 12:38

Preliminary List of Meeting 2021

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Date Events
14 January 2nd Meeting of Secretary-General, Heads of CARICOM Institutions and CARICOM Ambassadors
21 - 22 January StewardFish Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) Training Workshop
21 January Japan Informal Sustainable Use Dialogue (7.00-9.00am BZ
25 January Regional ProDoc Validation Workshop BE: CLME+Project
26 January PSC Meeting of CC4FISH (8:30 - 11:00am B’dos time)
27 January Barbados Sargassum Adaptive Management Strategy (SAMS) (9:15 AM – 12:00 NOON EC)
27 January

Training sessions in use of the CRFM Data Portal 

28 January Senior Managers’ Committee Meeting
29 January

Training sessions in use of the CRFM Data Portal

 1 - 5 February  FAO COFI
 5 February  

CRFM Technical Team Meeting 

 8 February  Emergency Ad hoc Technical Meeting to discuss the compilation of comments of the G77 and China on the zero draft of the negotiating text for UNCTAD XV
 10 - 12 February  Ad hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting to provide advice to CARICOM negotiators in Geneva on the Chair's Draft Negotiating text ahead of UNCTAD 15 Conference (Expert level)
 11 February  IAEA Extraordinary Meeting of the SAGNA
 11 February  Regional briefing meeting in preparation for Subsidiary Body of Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) 24
 12 February Coastfish Project - Antigua and Barbuda Preliminary Planning Meeting
 12 February Meeting with BFCA/CNFO/lawyer to discuss legal case BFCA v Gov BZE challenging gillnet ban
 16 February  Session 1 - 10th CLME+ SAP ICM Meeting  
 18 February  Session 2 - 10th CLME+ SAP ICM Meeting
 18 February  Ad hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting to provide advice to CARICOM negotiators in Geneva on the Chair's Draft Negotiating text ahead of UNCTAD 15 Conference - Review the outcome of the expert-level review (Ambassadors Meeting) 
 19 February  3rd Special Meeting of the Executive Committee
19 February

CARICOM Preparatory Meeting, ahead of the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Special Virtual Project Steering Committee (PSC) Meeting 

22 - 26 February Ad hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting to provide advice to CARICOM negotiators in Geneva on the Chair's Draft Negotiating text ahead of UNCTAD 15 Conference - First reading of the draft negotiating tex
23 - 25 February Third and final regular CLME+ Project Steering Committee Meeting
24 -25 February Eighth Meeting of the Regional Fishery Body Secretariats’ Network
26 February UNRCO Kick-Off Workshop for the formulation and design of the Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework 2022-2026 (MSDF II)

1 March

Meeting with UN Consultant (Regional Cooperation Framework)
3 March Sargassum Products Virtual Training Workshop (1.00 -3.30 pm BZ/ 2.00-4.30 JAM/ 3.00 -5.30 EC)
5 March 36th Meeting of the Executive Committee
11 March Eighth Meeting of Senior Officials on the Negotiations of Fisheries Subsidies in the World Trade Organization (WTO)
18 March Resource Mobilization Committee Meeting
29 - 31 March 22nd Annual SAGNA meeting
15 - 16 April 19th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum

Read 5943 times Last modified on Friday, 19 February 2021 15:09
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