Date | Events |
14 January | 2nd Meeting of Secretary-General, Heads of CARICOM Institutions and CARICOM Ambassadors |
21 - 22 January | StewardFish Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) Training Workshop |
21 January | Japan Informal Sustainable Use Dialogue (7.00-9.00am BZ |
25 January | Regional ProDoc Validation Workshop BE: CLME+Project |
26 January | PSC Meeting of CC4FISH (8:30 - 11:00am B’dos time) |
27 January | Barbados Sargassum Adaptive Management Strategy (SAMS) (9:15 AM – 12:00 NOON EC) |
27 January |
Training sessions in use of the CRFM Data Portal |
28 January | Senior Managers’ Committee Meeting |
29 January |
Training sessions in use of the CRFM Data Portal |
1 - 5 February | FAO COFI |
5 February |
CRFM Technical Team Meeting |
8 February | Emergency Ad hoc Technical Meeting to discuss the compilation of comments of the G77 and China on the zero draft of the negotiating text for UNCTAD XV |
10 - 12 February | Ad hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting to provide advice to CARICOM negotiators in Geneva on the Chair's Draft Negotiating text ahead of UNCTAD 15 Conference (Expert level) |
11 February | IAEA Extraordinary Meeting of the SAGNA |
11 February | Regional briefing meeting in preparation for Subsidiary Body of Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) 24 |
12 February | Coastfish Project - Antigua and Barbuda Preliminary Planning Meeting |
12 February | Meeting with BFCA/CNFO/lawyer to discuss legal case BFCA v Gov BZE challenging gillnet ban |
16 February | Session 1 - 10th CLME+ SAP ICM Meeting |
18 February | Session 2 - 10th CLME+ SAP ICM Meeting |
18 February | Ad hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting to provide advice to CARICOM negotiators in Geneva on the Chair's Draft Negotiating text ahead of UNCTAD 15 Conference - Review the outcome of the expert-level review (Ambassadors Meeting) |
19 February | 3rd Special Meeting of the Executive Committee |
19 February |
CARICOM Preparatory Meeting, ahead of the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Special Virtual Project Steering Committee (PSC) Meeting |
22 - 26 February | Ad hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting to provide advice to CARICOM negotiators in Geneva on the Chair's Draft Negotiating text ahead of UNCTAD 15 Conference - First reading of the draft negotiating tex |
23 - 25 February | Third and final regular CLME+ Project Steering Committee Meeting |
24 -25 February | Eighth Meeting of the Regional Fishery Body Secretariats’ Network |
26 February | UNRCO Kick-Off Workshop for the formulation and design of the Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework 2022-2026 (MSDF II) |
1 March |
Meeting with UN Consultant (Regional Cooperation Framework) |
3 March | Sargassum Products Virtual Training Workshop (1.00 -3.30 pm BZ/ 2.00-4.30 JAM/ 3.00 -5.30 EC) |
5 March | 36th Meeting of the Executive Committee |
11 March | Eighth Meeting of Senior Officials on the Negotiations of Fisheries Subsidies in the World Trade Organization (WTO) |
18 March | Resource Mobilization Committee Meeting |
29 - 31 March | 22nd Annual SAGNA meeting |
15 - 16 April | 19th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum |