No. |
DATE (2015) |
1. |
14 Jan |
Meeting of the Secretary-General, Ambassador / Change Drivers and Heads of Community Institutions to Consider the Implementation Plan for Community Strategic Plan |
Georgetown, Guyana |
2. |
20 - 23 Jan |
Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond area of national jurisdiction |
UN HQ, New York |
3. |
21 Jan |
CARICOM-Japan Friendship Year: JICA Seminar |
Kingston, Jamaica |
4. |
2 – 3 Feb (Officials) 5 – 6 Feb (Ministerial) |
53rd Special Meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) – Environment and Sustainable |
Georgetown, Guyana |
5. |
2 Feb - 20 Mar |
Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf -37th Session |
UN HQ, New York |
6. |
5 – 6 Feb |
Meeting of the Senior Maritime Administrators of the Caribbean in 2015 |
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago |
7. |
10 – 12 Feb |
Caribbean Water Information Generator Second and Final Stakeholder Consultation Workshop |
Bridgetown, Barbados |
8. |
16 - 20 Feb |
Meeting of the ICCAT Working Group on Stock Assessment Methods |
Miami, USA |
9. |
19 – 20 Feb |
24th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum |
Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
10. |
23 - 24 Feb |
Caribbean Green Economy Conference 2015 which will be held from 23 to 24 February 2015 in Kingston, Jamaica |
Kingston, Jamaica |
11. |
23-27 Feb |
Meeting of the Global Record Informal Open-Ended Technical and Advisory Working Group |
FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy |
12. |
23 - 27 Feb |
Inter-sessional Meeting of the Panel 2/10th Meeting of the IMM Working Group |
Madrid, Spain |
13. |
25 - 26 Feb |
Regional Consultation to formulate a Plan of Action for Invasive Species for the OECS |
Rodney Bay, St. Lucia |
14. |
5 March |
CARICOM Thematic Group - Agricultural Health and Food Safety Systems (AHFSS) |
Suriname |
15. |
6 March |
Agriculture Food and Nutrition Cluster Meeting |
Electronic |
16. |
10 - 13 Mar |
Strategy Meeting for Action on Blue Growth and Food Security |
St. George’s, Grenada |
17 |
11-13 |
CRFM/ UF SG Meeting & Presentation on CRFM to Faculty and Staff |
Florida |
18. |
16 - 17 Mar |
11th Round of Informal consultations of States Parties to the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement |
UN HQ, New York |
19. |
16-18 Mar |
Expert Group Meeting on Enhancing the Science-Policy Interface in SIDS |
St. Lucia |
20. |
17-18 Mar |
7th Caribbean International Food Safety and Security Conference |
Montego Bay, Jamaica |
21. |
17 - 19 Mar |
FAO/WECAFC Logical Framework/Project Design Workshop pf Project “Climate Change Adaptation in the Eastern Caribbean Fisheries Sector” |
Bridgetown, Barbados |
22. |
23 - 27 Mar |
Blue Shark Data Preparatory Meeting |
Madrid, Spain |
23. |
30 Mar – 31 Mar |
13th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum |
St. George’s, Grenada |
24. |
2 April |
Delivery of ITLOS Advisory opinion in Case 21 on IUU Fishing |
Hamburg, Germany |
25. |
6-10 April |
16th Meeting of the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultive Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea |
UN HQ, New York |
26. |
9 or 10 April |
SPS TAC Meeting (Electronic) |
Virtual |
27. |
April |
WECAFC/CRFM/IFREMER Working Group on Shrimp and Groundfish -1st Regional shrimp and groundfish fisheries management investment planning workshop (Suriname, April 2015, dates TBD) –IDB supported. |
Paramaribo, Suriname |
28. |
FAO/WECAFC Inception workshop project "Sustainable management of bycatch in Latin America and Caribbean trawl fisheries ” – GEF IW supported |
29. |
April |
WECAFC/CRFM/OSPESCA/CFMC Working Group on Recreational Fisheries – 2nd meeting on billfish management and conservation planning + WECAFC/FAO Project inception workshop of the Caribbean Billfish project (component of the Ocean Partnerships For Sustainable Fisheries And Biodiversity Conservation – Models For Innovation And Reform), –World Bank supported. |
Barbados or Miami |
30. |
24-27 April |
Fisheries Legal Component - EU-sponsored Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) Programme in the CARIFORUM Region - in-country legal mission |
The Bahamas |
31. |
27 Apr - 1 May |
Group of Experts of the Regular Process for global reporting and assessment of the state of marine environment, including socioeconomic aspects |
UN HQ, New York |
32. |
29 April - 1 May |
Fisheries Legal Component - EU-sponsored Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) Programme in the CARIFORUM Region - in-country legal mission |
Jamaica |
33. |
4-5 May |
Fisheries Legal Component - EU-sponsored Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) Programme in the CARIFORUM Region - in-country legal mission |
Jamaica |
34. |
4 - 8 May |
Bigeye Data Preparatory Meeting |
Madrid, Spain |
35. |
7-9 May |
Fisheries Legal Component - EU-sponsored Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) Programme in the CARIFORUM Region - in-country legal mission |
Haiti |
36. |
11 - 12 May |
1st Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on FADs |
Madrid, Spain |
37. |
11-13 May |
Fisheries Legal Component - EU-sponsored Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) Programme in the CARIFORUM Region - in-country legal mission |
Dominican Republic |
38. |
13-15 May |
CARPHA/ PAHO/ IICA Regional Foodborne Diseases Surveillance and Food Safety Workshop |
Trinidad & Tobago |
39. |
15 May |
9th Meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council |
St. George’s, Grenada |
40. |
18 - 22 May |
Convention Amendment Working Group, COM |
Miami, USA |
41. |
20 May - 17 Jul |
Training Programme on Ocean Governance: Policy, Law and Management |
Nova Scotia, Canada |
42. |
28-29 May |
Final Meeting of E15 Expert Group on Fisheries Oceans and trade System |
Geneva |
43. |
31 May- 4 June |
Field Mission under the SPS Environmental Consultancy |
Guyana |
44. |
2 June |
First CARICOM-Indian Joint Commission |
Georgetown, Guyana |
45. |
8 June |
World Oceans Day |
46. |
3-6 June |
CARICOMP-2 Meeting |
Miami |
47. |
7-11 June |
Field Mission under the SPS Environmental Consultancy |
Greneda |
48. |
8 - 12 June |
Sub-Committee On Ecosystems Intersessional Meeting |
Madrid, Spain |
49. |
9-11 June |
ITLOS Case 21 Follow-up Workshop |
Dakar, Senegal |
50. |
8 - 12 June |
25th Meeting of States Parties to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea |
UN HQ, New York |
51. |
10 - 13 June |
Small Tunas Species Group Intersessional Meeting, SCRS |
Madrid, Spain |
52. |
11-12 June |
16th OECS Ministerial Meeting on Sustainable Use of Living Marine Resources |
Antigua |
53. |
11-16 June |
Field Mission under the SPS Environmental Consultancy |
Suriname |
54. |
16-18 June |
10th EDF SPS Project - Fourth Meeting of the Technical Advisory & Technical Oversight Committee Meetings |
Barbados |
55. |
September 2015 – March 2016 |
UNU-FTP Fisheries Training Programme |
Iceland |
56. |
22 - 26 June |
Dialogue between Scientists and Managers Working Group/WG Fisheries Managers and Scientist in support of the Western Bluefin Stock Assessment |
57. |
23-25 June |
FAD Fisheries Management Write-shop |
St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
58. |
29 June - 3 July |
Field Mission under the SPS Environmental Consultancy |
Belize |
59. |
June (date TBD) |
WECAFC Regional workshop on fisheries data collection, analysis, sharing and reporting –EU supported |
Bridgetown, Barbados |
60. |
2-4 July |
36th Regular Meeting of Heads of Government |
Barbados |
61. |
2 July (8:00-12:00) |
Jamaica national Consultation on Fisheries Risk Insurance Initiative |
Virtual |
62. |
6-9 July |
Final Regional Training of Trainers Workshop for Fisherfolk Mentors |
Anguilla |
63. |
9-10 July |
Seminar on Laws to Protect Oceans and Seas |
Panama |
64. |
6-11 July |
2015 UF Ecosim/ Ecopath Lionfish Modelling and Management Training |
65. |
6 - 24 July |
21st Session of the International Seabed Authority |
UN HQ, New York |
66. |
13 - 17 Jul |
Bigeye Stock Assessment Meeting |
Lisbon, Portugal |
67. |
20-21 July (Officials) 22-23 July (Ministerial) |
4th Meeting of ACP Ministers in Charge of Fisheries and Agriculture |
Brussels |
68. |
20 Jul - 4 Sept |
Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf – 38th session |
UN HQ, New York |
69. |
23-24 July |
8th CARICOM-UN Meeting |
Guyana |
70. |
27 - 31 July |
Blue Shark Stock Assessment Meeting |
Lisbon, Portugal |
71. |
24-25 August |
Regional Validations Workshop, Fisheries Component of the EU Funded SPS Measures Project |
Barbados |
72. |
1-3 September |
FAO/ WECAFC Expert Meeting to Assess RFMO Arrangements & 1 day Meeting to discuss Fisheries Coordinating Mechanism for CLME Project |
Barbados |
73. |
7-8 September |
FAO/ WECAFC/ IDB/ CRFM/ IFREMER Workshop Investing in Ecosystem-based Shrimp and Groundfish Fisheries Management of the Guianas - Brazil Shelf |
Barbados |
74. |
8 - 11 September |
Sixth Meeting - Ad Hoc Working Group of the Whole on the Regular Process for global reporting and assessment of the state of marine environment, including socioeconomic aspects |
UN HQ, New York |
75. |
14-15 September |
Meeting of the Secretary General and Heads of Community Institutions, and 2015 Donor Coordinator Meeting |
Georgetown, Guyana |
76. |
14 September |
1st Special Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum |
Via GoTo Meeting |
77. |
15-18 September |
FAO/ WECAFC/ CRFM Statistics Workshop |
Barbados |
78. |
16 September |
SPS TAC Meeting (Virtual) |
Virtual |
79. |
21 - 25 September |
SCRS Species Groups Meetings (SC Statistics 21 - 22) |
Madrid, Spain |
80. |
24 September |
First Meeting of the Consotium on Billfish Management and Conservation (CBMC) |
Via Skype |
81. |
28 Sept - 2 Oct |
Meeting of the Standing Committee on Research and Statistics |
Madrid, Spain |
82. |
28 Sept - 2 Oct |
First round- Informal consultations on omnibus resolution on oceans and the law of the sea |
UN HQ, New York |
83. |
29 September - 1 October |
Common Wealth and UNCTAD Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Trade in Sustainable Fisheries (AHEM) |
Geneva, Switzerland |
84. |
30 September |
Meeting of CCS Agriculture Planners Forum |
Virtual |
85. |
5-8 October |
Third Regional Caribbean Fisherfolk Action Learning Group Workshop |
Antigua & Barbuda |
86. |
6 October |
59th Special Meeting of COTED-Agriculture (Officials Meeting) |
Georgetown, Guyana |
87. |
8 October |
59th Special Meeting of COTED-Agriculture (Ministerial Meeting) |
Georgetown, Guyana |
88. |
9 October |
59th Special Meeting of COTED |
Georgetown, Guyana |
89. |
12 Oct - 27 Nov |
Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf – 39th session |
UN HQ, New York |
90. |
14-16 October |
SIDs Food Security and Nutrition Conference |
Milan, Italy |
91. |
15-16 October |
Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation |
Puerto Rico |
92. |
19-23 October |
Visit of Grenada Minister, PS, CFO to Belize re MPA Management and Meeting with the CRFM |
Belize |
93. |
19-24 October |
CODEX Committee Meeting on Fish and Fish Products |
Alesund, Norway |
94. |
23 October |
25th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum |
via GoTo Meeting |
95. |
Oct (date TBD) |
WECAFC/OSPESCA (CRFM?) Working Group on Sharks management and conservation– CITES supported |
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago |
96. |
26-28 October |
CLME PEG/ SAP Interim Coordinating Meeting |
Miami, USA |
97. |
Oct/Nov (date TBD) |
CFMC/WECAFC/OSPESCA/CRFM Working Group on Spawning Aggregations – CFMC/USA supported. |
Miami or Panama City |
98. |
3-6 November |
CTA/ IICA Agri-businees Forum |
Barbados |
99. |
8 - 9 November |
WECAFC 7th session of the Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) – FAO supported. |
Panama City, Panama |
100. |
9-11 November |
WECAFC/ OSPESCA/ CRFM/ CFMC Working Group on Recreational Fisheries - 2nd Regional Workshop on Billfish Management and Conservation |
Panama City, Panama |
101. |
9 – 13 Nov |
68th Annual GCFI Meeting |
Panama City, Panama |
102. |
10 - 17 Nov |
24th Regular Meeting of the ICCAT Commission |
Malta |
103. |
10 - 17 Nov |
Informal consultations on resolution on sustainable fisheries |
UN HQ, New York |
104. |
27-29 Nov |
Commonwealth Heads Conference |
Malta |
105. |
18 - 24 Nov |
Second round- Informal consultations on omnibus resolution on oceans and the law of the sea |
UN HQ, New York |
106. |
23-24 November |
ACS/ CSC SYMPOSIUM: Challenges, Dialogue and Cooperation towards the Sustainability of the Caribbean Sea |
Tobago |
107. |
1-2 December |
2nd WECAFC Reorientation and Strategic Planning Workshop - EU supported |
Trinidad and Tobago |
108. |
3 December (tentative) |
4th SPS Technical Oversight Committee Meeting |
Virtual |
109. |
December |
Fisheries & Tourism Work Group to review Study Report |