DATE | EVENT | LOCATION | Meeting Convener |
15 - 27 January | Norwegian Technical Mission |
Belize, Haiti, Barbados, Guyana. Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago |
Gov.Norway |
17 January | CLME+ Project Executive Group Meeting | Virtual | CLME+ |
18 January | Caribbean Billfish Project Steering Committee Meeting | Virtual | FAO |
24 - 26 January | Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme (CME Programme) Marine Workshop for the Caribbean Ocean Region | Kingston, Jamaica | UK Gov. |
7 - 9 February | Inception Workshop of project GCP/SLC/202/SCF "Climate Change Asaptation for Eastern Caribbean Fisheries" | Barbados | FAO |
20 - 24 February | Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity-Building Workshop for the Wider Caribbean and Central America | San Jose, Costa Rica | CBD |
2- - 24 February | Special Meeting of the SPS Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) | Trinidad and Tobago | IICA |
21 - 23 February | First Caribbean Sustainable Development Forum | Oranjestad, Aruba | CSDF |
23 - 24 February (Tentative) | 28th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum | St. Vincent and the Grenadines | CRFM |
27 - 28 February | Validation Workshop- Study on Impacts of Rising Cost Factors on Fishing Operations in the CRFM Member States | Barbados | FAO/CRFM |
1 - 3 March | First Meeting of the WECAFC/CRFM Regional Working Group on IUU Fishing under Project GCP/SLC/008/USA Support to the Caribbean Regional Working Group on Illegal Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (RWG-IUU) | Barbados | FAO |
TBD | 3rd Regional Workshop on Caribbean Billfish Fisheries Management and Conservation, under the Caribbean Billfish Project (GCP/SLC/001/WBK) | Dominican Republic | FAO/CRFM |
30-31 March | 15th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum | Jamaica | CRFM |
11 - 13 April | Meeting of the WECAFC/OSPESCA Working Group on Sharks under project GCP/SLC/013/USA Conservation and Management of SHarks and Rays in the Wider Caribbean Region | Barbados | FAO |
19 May (Tentative) | 11th Meeting fo the CRFM Ministerial Council | Guyana | CRFM |
23 - 25 May | Regional Workshop on the establishment of a Regional Fishing Vessel Register under project GCP/SLC/012/EC Workshop on IUU Fishing of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission | Barbados | FAO |
24 May - 21 July | IOI Training Programme on ocean Governance: Policy, Law and Management | Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada | IOI |
5 - 9 June | High Level UN Conference, co-hosted by the Government of Fiji and Sweden, will coincide with the World Oceans Day, and seek to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 (Conserve and sustainably use of the oceans, sea and marine Resources for sustainable development) | New York | Fiji and Sweden Gov. |
9th Session of COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture / SIDs Side Event on Aquaculture | Iran | FAO | |
Sept. 2016 - March 2017 | United Nations University - Fisheries Training Programme - 6 Month fellowship | Iceland | UNU-FTP |
October/November | JICA-CARIFICO Dissemination Workshop | St. Lucia | JICA- CARIFICO/CRFM |
70th Meeting of GCFI | Mexico | GCFI |