17 - 19 January | Implementing and Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals in the Caribbean: the Role of the Ocean | St. Vincent and the Grenadies |
30 – 31 January | CLME+ SAP Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators Workshop | Cartagena, Colombia |
1 – 2 February | CLME+ State of the Marine Environment and Associated Economies (SOMEE) Reporting Mechanism Workshop | Cartagena, Colombia |
January | Civil Society Action Programme (CSAP) | Trinidad and Tobago |
February | 30th Executive Committee of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum | TBD |
26 February - 1 March | Planning Meeting – Training Workshop on Value Chain Approach in Fisheries | Iceland |
5 - 8 March | Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (LARC) | Montego Bay, Jamaica |
5 - 23 March | International Seabed Authority, Legal and Technical Committee | Jamaica |
12 - 14 March | BBNJ Workshop - Marine Genetic Resources and Regional Ocean Management | Jamaica |
13 – 15 March | Small Grants Coordination Mechanism (SGCM) | Barbados |
13-14 March | Billfish Project Steering Committee (13 March) & 5th CBMC Meeting (14 March) | Miami |
14 March | 5th Meeting of CBMC | |
19 - 20 March | 2nd Meeting of the "Climate Change Adaptation in the Eastern Caribbean Fisheries Sector Project" (CC4FISH) | Grenada |
21 - 23 March | Joint CRFM-OSPESCA-WECAFC FAC Spiny Lobster Working Group Meeting & Fisheries ICM Meeting | Dominican Republic |
27-29 March | 2nd Meeting of the CFMC / WECAFC / OSPESCA / CRFM Working Group on Spawning Aggregations | Miami |
March | Regional training on application of the EAF | TBD |
April | 2nd Meeting of the WECAFC / CRFM / IFREMER Working Group on Shrimp and Groundfish | TBD |
10-13 April | 2nd meeting of the Sustainable Ocean Initiative Global Dialogue with Regional Seas Organizations and Regional Fisheries Bodies on Progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets | Seoul, Republic of Korea |
16 – 17 April | 16th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum | Montserrat |
18 April | CRFM Protocol on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management in Fisheries and Aquaculture | Montserrat |
16 - 18 April | Intergovernmental Conference on an International legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction, Organizational Session | New York |
2 - 4 May | Sargassum and Oil Spills Monitoring Pilot Project for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions Workshop | Mexico City |
May | 5th Meeting of the WECAFC / OSPESCA / CRFM / CFMC Working Group on FAD fisheries | Miami |
14 May | Meeting of SG and Heads of Institutions | Guyana |
15 - 17 May | 1st Meeting of the WECAFC Fisheries Data and Statistics Working Group | Barbados |
18 May | 12th Meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council | Montserrat |
20 - 30 May | CRFM/FAO Fisheries Study Tour | Barbados, Grenada and Dominica |
22 - 24 May | 2nd Fisheries Value Chain Workshop | Trinidad and Tobago |
23 May - 20 July | IOI Training Programme on Ocean Governance: Policy, Law and Management | Canada |
Mid-May | Aquaculture Value Chain Development Workshop | Barbados |
11 - 14 June | Workshop on Subsidies to fishing on overfished stocks | Geneva |
11 - 14 June | States parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Twenty-eighth meeting | New York |
14 - 15 June | CARICOM Workshop for the Development of a Regional Biodiversity Strategy for the Caribbean Community | Georgetown, Guyana |
18 - 20 June |
2nd UNDP-GEF CLME+ Project Steering Committee Meeting1st CLME+ Partnership Forum |
Panama |
18 - 22 June | Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea, Nineteenth Meeting | New York |
27 June | Regional Consultation on WTO Subsidies negotiations | Virtual |
2 - 20 July | Lecture at and serve as Chief Facilitator for RSS Fisheries Prosecution and Interdiction Course | Barbados |
2 - 27 July | International Seabed Authority, Assembly, Twenty-fourth session | Kingston, Jamaica |
2 - 3 July | Regional Implementation of the Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment and the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries | Barbados |
4 - 6 July | Meeting of Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Fisheries | Barbados |
4 - 6 July | 39th Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM | Montego Bay, Jamaica |
5 - 6 July | IAEA Meeting and preparatory meeting | Antigua and Barbuda |
7 - 8 July | Meeting of Heads of RFB | Rome |
9 - 13 July | FAO COFI Meeting | Rome |
11 - 12 July | PPCR Project Steering Committee Meeting | Grenada |
16 - 17 July | Pre-Technical Workshops (16-17 July 2018) & Fourth Technical Meeting to the Pollution Protocol-4th LBS STAC | Panama |
24 July | 31st Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Forum | Virtual |
3 August | 4th Meeting of the Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Cluster | Electronic Meeting |
6 - 10 August | CARICOM / IAEA Workshop: ‘Contribution of Nuclear Science and Technology to Building Climate Resilience in the Caribbean | Vienna |
6 August | Regional Partnership Dialogue for the Caribbean | San Pedro, Belize |
7 - 9 August | Caribbean Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Mid Term Review of the SAMOA Pathway | San Pedro, Belize |
14 August | Consultation Workshop: “Enhancing Coastal Protection for Climate Change Resilience” | Belmopan City, Belize |
15 - 17 August | Fifth Meeting of the CLME+ SAP Interim Coordination Mechanism | Miami |
August / September | 32nd Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum | Virtual |
4 - 17 September | Intergovernmental Conference on an International legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction, First session | New York |
10 - 14 September | 67th International IWC Meeting | Brazil |
13 - 14 September | Inception Workshop of project: Developing Organizational Capacity for Ecosystem Stewardship and Livelihoods in Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries | Barbados |
18 - 19 September | Regional PPCR Monitoring & Evaluation Workshop IV | Barbados |
26 - 28 September | 3rd Meeting of the Joint CRFM / WECAFC / OSPESCA Regional Working Group on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (RWG-IUU) | Barbados |
25 - 26 September | First Country Consultation to discuss Permanent Policy Coordination Mechanism (PPCM) and Sustainable Financing Plan (SFP) options for CLME+ Project and Strategic Action Programme (SAP) | Cartagena, Colombia |
September 2018 - March 2019 | United Nations University - Fisheries Training Programme (UNU-FTP) Six-month Fellowships | Iceland |
1 - 2 October | Joint CRFM / WECAFC Flyingfish Working Group Meeting / CLME+ Sub-project Regional Workshop | Barbados |
1 - 5 October | Meeting of the ICCAT Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS) | Madrid, Spain |
3 - 5 October | Regional Workshop on Fish and Fisheries Products Trade in the Caribbean | Barbados |
8 - 12 October | Caribbean Week of Agriculture | Barbados |
11 October | 8th Special Meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council | Barbados |
12 October | COTED (Agriculture) | Barbados |
15 - 16 October | Fish CRIME 2018 Symposium | Denmark |
16 - 17 October | ACP Fisheries Meeting | Brussels |
25 - 26 October | CAF Sponsored Regional Workshop to develop Proposal to Address SDG 14 targets | TBD |
30 October - 1 November | 3rd Meeting of the WECAFC / CRFM / OSPESCA / CFMC Working Group on Queen Conch | Panama |
5 - 7 November | International Conference of Women in Fisheries | Santiago de Compostela, Spain |
5 - 9 November | 71st Annual Conference of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI 71) | San Andres, Colombia |
12 - 19 November | 21st Special Meeting of the ICCAT Commission | Dubrovnik, Croatia |
19 - 21 November | Sixth Caribbean Sustainable Energy Forum (CSEF VI) | Placencia, Belize |
November | Joint Steering Committee Meeting (EBM and Shrimp & Fish sub-projects of CLME+) | TBD |
November | UNEP CEP Meeting of Contracting Parties to the Cartagena Convention, SPAW (Biodiversity) and LBS (Pollution) Protocols | TBD |
November | FAO Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) Meeting | Miami |
26-28 November | High Level Conference on Sustainable Blue Economy | Nairobi, Kenya |
29 November | CARIFORUM - EU Special Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries | Barbados |
3-4 December | Regional Workshop on Development on the "State of the Marine Ecosystem and Shared Living Marine Resources in CLME+ | Panama |