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Tuesday, 18 February 2020 16:19

Calendar of Events 2020

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Date Event Location
24 January Stakeholder Consultation of Barbados’ Fisheries Policy Barbados
28 - 29 January (postponed) Caribbean Development Dialogue (Meeting with donors and development partners) Guyana
28 - 31 January First National Workshop - Stewardfish Jamiaca
29 January (Postponed) 35th Meeting of the Executive Committee Electronic Meeting
3 - 7 February National Workshop for Enhancing Climate Science Basis of the GCF Funded Activities Cambodia
4 February 1st Meeting of the Independent Strategic Review Team Virtual
10 - 13  February Mission to IAEA Marine Lab Monaco
13 February 4th Meeting of the CARIFORUM-EU Special Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries Electronic Meeting
10 - 14 February Second National Workshop - Stewardfish Barbados
13 February 4th Meeting of the CARIFORUM-EU Special Committee on Agriiculture and Fisheries Electronic Meeting
16 - 23 February (Postponed) Visit of Chinese Aquaculture Experts to Jamaica, Guyana and St. Kitts and Nevis Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis
17 February Launch of CCAT and Seminar on rules and procedure for initiating action Barbados
17 February 11th Special Meeting of the Community Council of Minister Barbados
18 - 19 February 31st Intersessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government Barbados
24 - 28 February Visit of Consultant to CRFM Belize to review accounting Fiduciary systems etc (2nd Stretegic Review) Belize
25 February Consultation on WECAFC Reorientation: Completing the questionnaire Virtual
26 February Second Senior Officials Meeting on WTO Fisheries Subsidies Virtual
26 - 28 February Regional Preparatory Meeting for next session of the BBNJ Conference Virtual
5 - 6 March Inception Workshop of the GEF Funded Blue Growth Project Belize
9 - 13 March 3rd National Workshop - Stewardfish Antigua and Barbuda
10 March  19th CARICOM-Japan Consultation Guyana
11 - 12 March Annual Project Steering Committeee Meeting of CC4FISH Barbados
16 - 18 March 2nd Meeting of the WECAFC - CRFM - OSPESCA Fisheries data and Statistics Working Group Panama
17 - 18 March CARIFORUM Preparatory and 3rd Meeting of the Task Force on the 2020 Review of the CARIFORUM-EU EPA Guyana
17 - 20 March Special Meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development Guyana
18 - 20 March 4th National Workshop - Stewardfish St. Vincent and the Grenadines
18 - 20 March Joint Meeting of the CLME+ SAP Interim Coordination Mechanism and Project Executive Group Miami
19 March Special Emergency Meeting of the Secretary-General CARICOM and Heads of Community Institutions Virtual
19 - 20 March WECAFC Regional data Workshop Panama
23 - 25 March Technical Meeting on the Use of Nuclear and Isotopic Techniques to Strengthen Member States Seafood Safty programmes Monaco
23 - 25 March Towards a Sustainable and Resilient Caribbean Blue Economy Antigua and Barbuda
23 - 27 March 5th National Workshop - Stewardfish Saint Lucia
24 March 4th cooperation Meeting of the ACS Barbados
23 March - 3 April 4th BBNJ Conference  
2 - 3 April 50th Regular Meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) - Officials Guyana
3 April Special Meeting of the CARICOM COVID 19 Food Security Task Force Virtual
6 April Follow-up Meeting to the Special Emergency Meeting of the Secretary-General, CARICOM and Heads of Community Institutions Virtual
7 April Consultation for the Environmental and Horizon Scans to inform the development of thee Community Strategic Plan 2020 Virtual
7 April CRFM Business Committee Meeting Virtual
06 - 10 April 6th National Workshop - Sstewardfish  Belize
15 - 16 April CARIFORUM Preparatory & 3rd Meeting of the Task Force on the 2020 review of the CARIFORUM EU-EPA Guyana
15 - 17 April

Joint Council of Ministers with responsibility for Trade and Fisheries

Workshop on the WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations

Technical Working Group for Trade and Fisheries Officials

St. Lucia
16 - 17 April 23rd Meeting of the Council for Foreign and Community Relations (COFCOR) Haiti
17 April 2nd Meeting of the Independent Strategic Review Team Virtual
15 - 17 April

 Joint Council of Ministers with responsibility for Trade and Fisheries

  • Workshop on the WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations
  • Technical Working Group (TWG) for Trade and Fisheries Officials
St. Lucia
16 - 17 April

Meeting of Official Preparatory of the 23rd Meeting of COFCOPR

20 April

CCAT Plenary Meeting

20 - 24 April 7th National Workshop - Stewardfish Guyana

21 - 24 April(Postponed)

3rd Meeting of the Sustainable Ocean Iniative Global Dialogue Korea
22 - 24 April 3rd CLME+ Project Steering Committee Meeting Panama
23 April 5th Meeting of the CRFM/CARICOM Fisheries and Aquaculture Priority Commodity Working Group (FISHCOM WG) Virtual
23 - 24 April 50th Regular Meeting of COTED - Ministerial Virtual
24 April CRFM Senior management Meeting Virtual
28 - 29 April UN Decade on Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Virtual
29 April CRFM Countinental Shelf Fisheries Working Group (CRFM CSWG) on Atlantic Seabob Fisheries of Guyana and Suriname Virtual
6 - 8 May 18th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum Virtual
11 - 14 May 2nd regional Meeting on WECAFC Reorientation Honduras (Tentative)
14 May Fisheries ICM Meeting Virtual
15 May  28th Meeting of the Legal Affairs Committee (LAC) Guyana
15 May CRFM Senior Management Meeting Virtual
25 - 26 May 14th meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council St. Lucia
2 - 6 June UN Ocean Conference Lisbon
8 - 11 June 12th WTO Ministerial Conference Kazakhstan
9 June Biodiversity Webinar in celebration of Worl Ocean and World Environment Day Virtual
16 - 18 June CLME+ Project Steering Committee Sessions Virtual
25 June  14th Meeting of the CRFM MinisterialCouncil Virtual
July 41st Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the CAribbean Community St. Vincent and the Grenaddaines
5 - 10 July 14th International Coral Reef Symposium  
13 - 17 July FAO COFI Rome
October 15th Quadrennial of the United Nations Conference on Trade and development (UNCTAD XV) Barbados
 9 - 13 November  73rd GCFI Meeting  
12 - 13 November 11th WECAFC SAG  

Read 6836 times Last modified on Monday, 08 June 2020 10:52
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