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Tuesday, 01 March 2022 11:35

Preliminary List of Meetings 2022

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   DATE                    EVENT
7 January SPS Planning Meeting with Nexus Consultants
12 - 13 January CRLG RBM and OME Traoning 
17 January Regional Agriculture Planning Meeting
18 January CANARI / CRFM Meeting re IUU Proposal
18 January FAO / FIRMS Meeting
18 January Launch of the Digitaal Agri Hub in Latin America and the Caribbean
19 January CRLG RBM and OME Training
20 January CRLG RBM and OME Training
25 January CC4FISH and StewardFish Terminal Evaluations
26 January CRLG RBM and ME Training
26 January 11th EDF SPS Planning Meeting
27 January CRLG RBM and ME Training
2 February Caribbean Virtual Safety at Sea Refresher Course
2-3 February CRLG RBM and ME Training
3 February IUUF - TRADEWINDS Mid Planning Conference
4 February Review of CARICOM Community Institutionss Introductory Meeting
7 February SPS Fisheries Capacity Building Update Meeting
8 February Statistics and Firms Template: review of contributions, Q/A, identification of challenges and issues
9 February Ocean Country Partnership Programme Stakeholder (OCPP) Launch Workshop
9 February Grenada Fisheries and Climate Change Workshop
9 February CRLG RBM / MEAL Training Course
9 - 11 February One Ocean Summit
10 February FAO / FIRMS
10 February Stewardfish Final Evaluation - preliminary findings and recommendations
11 February Business Development Thematic Group
11 February CRFM Executive Committee Meeting
14 - 16 February International Ocean Data Conference 2022 - The Data we need for the Ocean
14 - 16 February Fourth Meeting of the Working Group on Fisheries using Moored Fish Aggregating Devices
15 February BBNJ Briefing for CARICOM GEF Focal Point
15 - 18 February World Maritime University IUU Fishing (CAPFISH) Workshop
16 February COASTFISH Meeting
17 - 18 February Course 1: Training under 11th EDF Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
17 February Neeting with CRFM and CNFO
23 February SPS Project - Coordination Consultancy Validation Workshop for "Roadmap"
23-25 February Caribbean Forum on Maritime Crime
25 February AHFS Thematic Group Meeting
28 February - 1 March Thirty-Third Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community
28 February ACP IUU Seminar
1 March Coordination Call - SOI Regional OECM Workshop
2 March Coordination Call - SOI Regional OECM Workshop
3 March Coordination Call - SOI Regional OECM Workshop
3 March Strengthening Regional Coordination Framework for the Fisheries Sector Roadmap Validation Workshop
4 March Visit of Deputy Secretary General to CRFM
4 March Business Development Thematic Group
7 - 9 March The Fifth Meeting of the Forum of Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development
9 March FISHCOM WG Meeting
10 March WECAFC / CRFM / OSPESCA Fishery Data and Statistics Working Group (FDS - WG) Conclusion Meeting 
10 March 11th EDF SPS ROM Interview
16 or 17 March Technical Workshop on IUU & Organizational Crime
21 - 25 March Tradewinds Exercise in Belize
22 March World Water Day
22 - 23 March 20th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum
21-25 March TRADEWINDS Exercise in Belize
23 - 24 March 20th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum
5 - 8 April 6th ACP Ministers of Fisheries and Aquaculture
12 April SID Global Business Network Forum
20 - 21 April Sustainable Ocean Initiative Capacity-Building Workshop for the Wider Caribbean and Central American on other effective Area-based Conservation Measures in the Marine Fishery Sector
22 or 25 April 16th CRFM Ministerial Council
27 - 28 April Sustainable Ocean Initiative Capacity-Building
  Meeting of Official Preparatory to the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of th Council for Foreign and Community Relation (COFCOR)
  Meeting of the Community Coucil of Ministers
  Meeting of Official Preparatory to the Fifty-Fourth Regular Meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED)
   Fifty-Fourth Regular Meeting of the the Council for Trade and Economic Developmet (COTED)
 26 - 29 July 2022  Eighteenth Plenary Session of WECAFC
 22 - 24 August  Introductory-Fisheries Prosecution and Interdiction Course
  Enhancing Economic Recovery
  Promoting Social Resilience and Advancing Citizen Wellbeing
  Sixteenth Special Meeting of the Council for Foreign and Community Relations (CFCOR) and Meeting in the Margin of the UNGA
5 - 9 September Thirty-Fifth Session of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Committee on Fisheries (COFI 36)
12 - 30 September Advanced-Fisheries Prosecution and Interdiction Course
Oct during CWA 11th Special CRFM Ministerial Council
Nov Meeting of the Community Council of Minister
Nov Meeting of Official Preparatory to the Fifty-fifth Regular Meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED)
Nov Fifty-fifth Regular Meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED)
Read 3036 times Last modified on Tuesday, 01 March 2022 13:52
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