Attachment #1 - Provisional Agenda
Attachment #2 - Attendees at Third Meeting of the Working Group on Aquaculture
Agenda Item 2 - Summary Sheet - Provisional Agenda
Agenda Item 2 - Ref Doc - Adoption of the Agenda - List of Documents
Agenda Item 3 - Summary Sheet - Introductions, ToRs and Election of Chair
Agenda Item 3 - Ref Doc - ToR for Aquaculture Working Group
Agenda Item 4 - Ref Doc - Overview of CRFM Member States' Aquaculture
Agenda Item 4 - Ref Doc - Summary Report of the Third Meeting of the Working Group on Aquaculture
Agenda Item 5 - Summary Sheet - Key constraints to Aquaculture development and enabling environment
Agenda Item 5 - Ref Doc - Genesis of Enabling Environment for Aquaculture in TTO
Agenda Item 6 - Summary Sheet - Competition as a potential hindrance to aquaculture development
Agenda Item 9 - Summary Sheet - Summary of Recommendations and Elements of a Ministerial Resolution