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Wednesday, 24 August 2022 21:44

Joint CRFM/RSS Fisheries Prosecution and Interdiction Course underway Featured

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Mr. Peter A. Murray of the CRFM, the Chief Course Facilitator / Coordinator Mr. Peter A. Murray of the CRFM, the Chief Course Facilitator / Coordinator (Photo: CRFM)


Wednesday, 24 August 2022 (CRFM)--Participants from nine Caribbean countries are taking the Joint CRFM/RSS Fisheries Prosecution and Interdiction Course, which opened on Monday, 22 August 2022 and continues through to Friday, 26 August 2022.

Through this collaborative initiative, the CRFM and RSS are working together to heighten awareness and enhance the skills and competencies of authorized officers who have border security and other related responsibilities for the enforcement of Fisheries legislation as well as supporting administrative policies.

This short course will arm participants with stronger knowledge of the correct law enforcement procedures, as well as the legal and other principles underlying legislative instruments. The participants will also gain knowledge on techniques for the preparation of Trial Proceedings for fisheries-related offences.

Resource Persons for the Fisheries Prosecution and Interdiction Course have been drawn from the Barbados Coast Guard, the Barbados Police Service, the CRFM, the Fisheries Division of Barbados, and the RSS.

The CRFM’s Advisor, Fisheries Management and Development is integrally involved with facilitating and coordinating the training.

The core course material has been drawn from the two volumes of the CRFM’s Prosecution and Enforcement Manuals for CARIFORUM Member States: Vol 1 - Fisheries Prosecution Manual and Vol 2 - Fisheries Enforcement Standard Operating Procedures Manual.

The course covers interdiction, maritime boundaries (including inland waters, territorial waters, and the exclusive economic zone), legal and regulatory frameworks, other management tools and administrative policies, standard operating procedures (SOPs), prosecution, evidence gathering, inspection of fishing vessels and fishing gear, as well as trial proceedings.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Fisheries Prosecution and Interdiction course was a four-week residential course for officers from the RSS Coast Guard and Marine Police units. However, due to the challenges brought on by the pandemic, the structure of the course was adapted to two phases—the first being the introductory (online) course being convened this week. Participants who are successful in this phase will get an opportunity to participate in the follow-up three-week residential course to be held under the auspices of the RSS Training Institute in Barbados.


Read 4120 times Last modified on Thursday, 25 August 2022 11:24
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