Composition of the Forum
1. The Forum shall comprise:
(a) one representative of each Member of the Mechanism;
(b) one representative of each Associate Member of the Mechanism;
(c) representatives of the following groups, institutions and bodies, approved by the Ministerial Council as Observers:
(d) Fisher Folk Organisations and Private Fishing Companies within the Caribbean Region;
(e) Regional bodies and institutions and regional organisations whose work in the area of fisheries contribute to the work of the Mechanism;
(f) Non-Governmental Organisations whose work in the area of fisheries contribute to the work of the Mechanism.
2. The Forum shall elect a chairman from among the Members of the Mechanism and, subject to this Agreement, shall establish its own rules of procedure.
Functions of the Forum.
Subject to the policy direction of the Ministerial Council, the Forum shall determine the technical and scientific work of the Mechanism and, in particular, the Forum shall:
(a) promote the protection and rehabilitation of fisheries habitats and the environment generally;
(b) encourage the use of post-harvest practices in the fisheries sub-sector that maintain the nutritional value and quality of products;
(c) encourage the establishment of effective mechanisms for monitoring, control and surveillance of fisheries exploitation;
(d) recommend for approval by the Ministerial Council, arrangements for sustainable fisheries management and development in Member States based upon the best available technical or scientific data and information;
(e) recommend for approval by the Ministerial Council, co-operative and other arrangements relating to fisheries;
(f) review the arrangements recommended by the Technical Unit for sustainable fisheries management and development in Member States;
(g) examine and consider action taken by Member States and third States which may prejudice arrangements for sustainable fisheries management and development;
(h) receive reports on new arrangements made between Member States and third States with respect to the conservation and management of fisheries;
(i) receive reports on such activities as may from time to time be entrusted to sub-committees or interest groups of the Forum;
(j) receive and examine the draft Work Plan and Budget of the Mechanism and submit recommendations thereon to the Ministerial Council;
(k) determine from time to time the priorities for the Work Programme of the Mechanism;
(l) approve the staff regulations recommended by the Technical Unit;
(m) undertake such other functions as from time to time may be entrusted to it by the Ministerial Council.
The Forum shall convene in regular sessions once a year and in such special sessions as it considers necessary to perform its functions.