You are here: HomeEventsList of Meetings & EventsJobs and ConsultanciesRequest for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) Consultancy to Conduct a National Blue Economy (Be) Assessment and a Draft BE Strategy for the Republic of Panama, Including Identification of National Sustainable Financing Options for the Blue Economy
DATE EVENT 7 January SPS Planning Meeting with Nexus Consultants 12 - 13 January CRLG RBM and OME Traoning 17 January Regional Agriculture Planning Meeting 18 January CANARI / CRFM…
Draft Agenda and Information Note The International Declaration on Transnational Organized Crime in the Global Fishing Industry CRFM Ministerial Council Resolution No. MC 15(6) of 2021 Flyer on the Blue Justice Initiative Report of the CRFM Ministerial Council on Illegal,…
Invitation to Ministers Joining Instruction - Meeting Link List of Confirmed Participants List of Speakers Draft Agenda and Information Note (Revised) Resolution regarding the Copenhagen Declaration on Transnational Organized Crime The International declaration on transnational organized crime in the global fishing…
Date Events JANUARY 14 January 2nd Meeting of Secretary-General, Heads of CARICOM Institutions and CARICOM Ambassadors 21 - 22 January StewardFish Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) Training Workshop 21 January Japan Informal Sustainable Use Dialogue (7.00-9.00am BZ 25 January…
Date Event Location 24 January Stakeholder Consultation of Barbados’ Fisheries Policy Barbados 28 - 29 January (postponed) Caribbean Development Dialogue (Meeting with donors and development partners) Guyana 28 - 31 January First National Workshop - Stewardfish Jamiaca 29 January (Postponed)…
DATE EVENTS LOCATION 15 - 18 January UF Sea Grant Gainsville, Florida 21 - 24 January LAC OA Symposium Santa Marta, Colombi 29 - 30 January Regional Consultation on an Effective Platform for CARIFORUM and French Caribbean Regions and British…
DATE EVENT LOCATION 17 - 19 January Implementing and Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals in the Caribbean: the Role of the Ocean St. Vincent and the Grenadies 30 – 31 January CLME+ SAP Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators Workshop Cartagena,…
No. DATE EVENT LOCATION 1. 18-22 January WECAFC/ FIRMS Statistics Training Workshop Barbados 2. 19-22 January Regional Planners Forum for Agriculture Grenada 3. 29 January AHFSS TG Meeting Suriname 4. 26-28 January CLME+ Steering Committee Meeting Cartagena, Colombia 5. 24-26…
No. DATE (2015) EVENT LOCATION 1. 14 Jan Meeting of the Secretary-General, Ambassador / Change Drivers and Heads of Community Institutions to Consider the Implementation Plan for Community Strategic Plan Georgetown, Guyana 2. 20 - 23 Jan Ad Hoc…