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Monday, 18 March 2013 22:05

Antigua and Barbuda

Quick Facts:

  • % Contribution to GDP (2003): 1.48% (Preliminary) See Note 1
  • Fishing Area: Shelf - 3,568 km2; EEZ  - unknown (see Note 2 below).
  • Number of Registered Fishers (2004): 1,088
  • Estimated Number of Active Fishers (2004): 699 (2% of labour force)
  • Number of Registered Vessels (2004): 728
  • Estimated Number of Active Vessels (2004): 276
  • Landing sites: 25 in Antigua; in Barbuda
  • Capture Production of fish, crustaceans, mollusks, etc, (2004): Caribbean; spiny lobster - 245 metric tons (EC$5.4 Million); Queen Conch - 554 metric tons (EC$1.3 Million); Bony finfish - 1,699 metric tons (EC$23.0 Million; Sharks and rays - 29 metric tons (EC$0.2 Million) (See Note 3)
  • Total Imports of Fish and Fishery Products: (2001) 439; metric tons (See Note 4)
  • Value of Total Imports of Fish and Fishery Products (2001): EC$4.4 Million (See Note 5)
  • Total Export of Fish and Fishery Products (2001): 368 metric tons (National exports: 60.6 metric tons (See Note 6)
  • Value of Total Export of Fish and Fishery Products (2001): EC$1.9 million (See Note 7)
  • Fish Processors (2004): 4
  • Exporters (2004): 9 in Antigua; - 2 in Barbuda


  1. Calculated at factor cost in constant 1990 prices. (Source: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank National Accounts Digest 2004).
  2. The full extent of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is unknown. Antigua and Barbuda is an archipelagic state. Negotiations with neighboring states with respect to EEZ have not been completed.
  3. All weights are expressed on a live weight basis while valuations are based on local retail prices.
  4. Total imports consist of all imports into country, including goods for domestic consumption and imports into bonded warehouses or free zones. Products are mainly fish, dried, salted or smoked (Source: FAOSTAT data, 2005).
  5. Valuation of imports is based on c.i.f. value (Source: FAOSTAT Data, 2005).
  6. Total exports consist of the combined total of national exports and re-exports. Re-exports consist of the outward movement of nationalized goods plus which, after importation, move outward movement of nationalized goods plus goods which, after importation, move outward from bonded warehouses or free zones without having been transformed (Source: FAO STAT Data, 2005). National or domestic exports are comprised mainly of the Caribbean spiny lobster.
  7. Valuation of exports is based on f.o.b. value (Source; FAOSTAT Data, 2005).

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