No. |
1. |
18-22 January |
WECAFC/ FIRMS Statistics Training Workshop |
Barbados |
2. |
19-22 January |
Regional Planners Forum for Agriculture |
Grenada |
3. |
29 January |
AHFSS TG Meeting |
Suriname |
4. |
26-28 January |
CLME+ Steering Committee Meeting |
Cartagena, Colombia |
5. | 24-26 February | UN/WWF Expert Working Group Meeting on Fisheries Crime | |
6. | 29 February - 3 March | 34th Session of FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean |
Mexico |
7. | 3-4 March | CRFM Executive Committee Meeting | St. Vincent |
8. | 7 March |
Cluster Meetings |
Guyana |
9. | 8 March |
7th Meeting of Secretary-General and Heads of Institutions | Guyana |
10. | 8 - 10 March |
ECMMAN ACC (Project Steering Committee) Meeting | Grenada |
11. | 9 March |
6th Meeting of Consultative Committee on Technical Cooperation (Member States, CARISEC & Institutions) | Guyana |
12. | 10 March |
4th High-Level Forum on Donor Coordination (Member States, CARISEC, Institutions & International development Partners) | Guyana |
13. | 14 - 15 March |
Visit of JICA Mission to CRFM Belize | Belize |
14. | March 2016 (tentative) | 1st Meeting CRFM/ WECAFC Working Group on IUU Fishing | Barbados |
15. | 7-8 April 2016 | 14th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum | Guyana |
16. | 28 March - 8 April |
1st Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the development of an international legally binding instrument under UNCLOS on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction | |
17. | May 2016 | Ministerial Council | Jamaica |
18. | 18 May - 15 July |
IOI Training Workshop on Ocean Governance. Policy, Law and Management | Dalhousie University, Canada |
19. |
23 - 27 May |
Review Conference of States Parties to the UN Fish Stocks Agreement | |
20. | 13 - 17 June |
Seventeenth Meeting of the Open-ended Informal Consultative Process | |
21. | 20-24 June |
WECAFC Commission Meeting |
Guadeloupe |
22. | 26-28 June |
Ocean Governance Meeting | Guadeloupe |
23. | 5 - 7 July | Worshop to Review the draft CLME+ Communication Strategy. | Miami |
24. | 9 - 15 July | FAO Committee On Fisheries (COFI) + RSN-6 | Rome |
24. | 17 -22 July | CRFM/UNU-FTP Value Chain Training | Suriname (tentative) |
25. | 20 -22 July | Caribbean Wildlife Law Enforcement (terrestrial & marine) | Bahamas |
25. | 1 - 2 August |
Workshop on implementation of General Assembly resolutions addressing the impacts of bottom fishing on vulnerable marine ecosystems and the long-term sustainability of deep-sea fish stocks | |
25 - 26 August |
Special CFNO Workshop | Trinidad & Tobago | |
26. | 29 August - 12 September |
2nd Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the development of an international legally binding instrument under UNCLOS on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction | |
17 Sept. |
Training (Fellowship) for Fisheries Personnel at the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS), University of Wolllongong, Australia | Australia | |
27. | 24 Sept. - 5 Oct. |
Johannesburg, |
28. | September 2016 - March 2017 |
United Nations University - Fisheries Training Programme- 6 month fellowship. |
Iceland |
29. | 26 -27 September | 10th Regional Planners Forum on Agriculture | St. Lucia |
30. | 26 - 29 September. | Sustainable Ocean Initiative Global Dialogue with Regional Seas Organisations and Regional Fisheries Bodies On Accelerating Progress Towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. | South Korea |
4 - 6 October | IMO Workshop on Port Reception Facilities | Trinidad and Tobago | |
31. | 22 - 28 October | Carribean Week Of Agriculture. | Cayman Island |
32. | 27 October | 6th Special Meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council | Cayman Island |
33. | 7 - 11 Nov. | 69th Meeting Of GCFI | Grand Cayman, Cayman Island. |
34. | 7 - 15 November |
Informal Consultations on the Sustainable Fisheries Resolution during the 71st UNGA |