Quick Facts:
- % Contribution to GDP: 1.77 (1994)
- Fishing Area: EEZ (7700 km2); Shelf (900 km2).
- Fishermen: 2338 (about 68.5% full-time)
- Landing sites: 42
- Landings estimates: Landings have ranged from 446 MT to 883 MT from 1990-94.
- Fish Imports: 492 MT/1.37 US$ M (1990); Cod imports were valued at 43.4% of this amount.
- Fish Exports: None.
- Fish vendors/hawkers: Over 100
- Fish processors: 2 cottage industry operations.
- Importers: 12
- Exporters: None
- Subsidies: Automatic duty-free subsidies apply only to engines 75 hp or less. Subsidies may be granted on boats, and fishing gear, on application and based on the recommendation of the Fisheries Division. The rebate on fuel is given to the Dominica Cooperative Society only.
- The largest percentage of vessels (15.2%) are based at Scotts Head. Most fish is sold fresh at the beach landing sites to the consumer. When localized gluts occur during the 'high' season for pelagic fish, the price drops and very often losses occur due to spoilage.
Spiny Lobster Fishery Country Profile
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