BELIZE CITY, Friday, February 14, 2014―The 22nd Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM)―which has over the past two days been deliberating on matters such as coral reef management, the lobster fishery, and cooperation between CARICOM States and the French Island in fisheries―concludes today in Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
The CRFM Executive Committee consists of representatives of 6 member states of the regional inter-governmental fisheries organization. The membership of the committee is drawn from the Caribbean Fisheries Forum, a group of government officials, fishers and representatives of private companies from CRFM states tasked with providing technical support to the CRFM.
“The Committee is addressing a number of important regional initiatives designed to ensure sustainable use of our fisheries resources and protect the marine ecosystems,” said Milton Haughton, CRFM Executive Director.
During the course of this week's meeting, the Executive Committee also worked on a legal instrument to strengthen regional cooperation for the conservation, management and sustainable use of the spiny lobster and the protection of its habitat, Haughton added.
The CRFM Executive Committee has been meeting since 2003. It holds inter-sessional meetings twice a year between sittings of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum, as its principal mission is to advance the Forum's work using a consensus-building approach.
The Objective of the workshop is to develop policy recommendations to be presented by a CNFO representative at the Meeting of The Alliance for Sustainable Development of Agriculture and the Rural Milieu in the Wider Caribbean.
The Executive Committee
1. There shall be established at the first regular session of the Forum an Executive Committee of the Forum which shall comprise [seven] Members, of whom [five] shall be Members of the Mechanism and two (2) Associate Members.
2. The Director of the Technical Unit shall be an ex-officio Member of the Executive Committee.
3. The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected annually. The Chairman of the Executive Committee shall be elected from among the Members of the Mechanism.
4. Decisions of the Executive Committee shall be reached by a majority of the Members present and voting. In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall exercise a casting vote.
5. The Executive Committee shall function as necessary between meetings of the Forum using, as appropriate, modern communication facilities, and shall keep the Forum
informed of its activities.