The CRFM Secretariat is inviting Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified Consultants to assist with the Preparation of a Regional Protocol Under the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy on the Principle of Sustainable Use of Marine Living Resources for Blue Economic Growth and Sustainable Development of CRFM Member States.
Expressions of Interest for this assignment must be submitted to Mr. Delmar Lanza, Manager, Finance and Administration (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), CRFM no later than 10 June 2023 at 4:00p.m. (GMT-6). Proposals submitted after this date will not be considered.
Consultants are encouraged to carefully review the information and follow the guidelines provided in the Calls for Expression of Interest (EOI).
IICA as the implementing agency for the 10th EDF Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures Project and the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), a Partner under the Project are seeking a qualified and experienced company/firm/consortium to continue strengthening national and regional SPS systems for establishing a fully comprehensive legislative framework for health and food safety in the fisheries sector.
Please refer to the attached document for further details regarding the consultancy. Closing date for receipt of Expression of Interest is 6 May 2016 at 4:00pm Eastern Caribbean Time.