Quick Facts:
- % Contribution to GDP: 1.42 (1995) at constant prices.
- Fishing Area: EEZ (20400 km2); Shelf (845 km2).
- EEZ (km2): EEZ (20400 km2)
- Number of Fishers: 350 on St. Kitts (about 46% full-time); 300 on Nevis (about 70% full-time).
- Number of Landing sites: 11 on St. Kitts and 8 on Nevis.
- Fish Imports (metric tonne): 904.33 MT (2008)
- Fish Imports (value in national currency): 11 824 084 EC$(2008)
- Fish Exports (metric tonne): 107.33 MT (2008)
- Fish exports (value in national currency): 1 310 964 EC$ (2008)
- Number of vendors/hawkers: 15 (St. Kitts) 0 (Nevis)
- Number of processors: 1 (St. Kitts) 1 (Nevis)
- Importers: 3 (St. Kitts) 1 (Nevis)
- Number of Exporters: 4 (St. Kitts) 2 (Nevis) Significant quantities are exported by the Nevis Fishermen's Cooperative. On Nevis, 3 other persons occasionally export lobster to Guadeloupe.
- Incentives to fishers and aquaculture farmers: Duty-free concessions on boats, engines, fishing gear and other related supplies. There is no rebate on marine fuel.
- Note: EC$ = US $1.
- On St. Kitts there are five major sites which account for nearly 70% of the total of the vessels. To accommodate an expansion of the cruise ship pier in Basseterre, a new fisheries landing site with a breakwater was created farther down the beach and a building for gear storage and fish marketing was erected.
- The largest landing area in Nevis is adjacent to the Fisheries Complex in Charlestown. This facility provides gear and equipment, ice and walk-in freezers, outboard motor repairs, fish processing, and stalls for marketing the fish.
Spiny Lobster Fishery Country Profile
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