1. The Technical Unit shall be the permanent Secretariat of the Mechanism and shall be adequately provided with the managerial, technical, scientific and support staff to enable
it to discharge the mandate of the Mechanism.
2. The Technical Unit shall comprise a Director, a Deputy Director and such other technical and administrative staff as may be necessary for the fulfillment of the functions of the Mechanism.
3. The Director shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Mechanism and shall exercise full responsibility for all aspects of the work of the Mechanism.
4. The Director shall be appointed by the Ministerial Council on the recommendation of the Forum and shall serve for a period of three years and be eligible for reappointment.
5. The Director shall report annually to the Ministerial Council on the work of the Mechanism.
6. The Director shall be assisted by a Deputy Director who shall also be appointed by the Ministerial Council on the recommendation of the Forum.
7. The other staff of the Technical Unit shall be appointed by the Director.
8. In the appointment of the staff of the Technical Unit, due consideration shall be given to the principle of equitable geographical representation.
9. The officials of the Technical Unit shall enjoy the status of international public servants whose loyalty shall be to the Mechanism. Members and Associate Members of the Mechanism undertake to respect the status of the officials of the Technical Unit.
In the discharge of its functions, the Technical Unit shall:
(a) provide technical, consultative and advisory services to Member States in the development, assessment, management and conservation of marine and other aquatic resources and, on request, in the discharge of any obligations arising from bilateral and other international instruments;
(b) support and enhance the institutional capacity of Member States in fisheries’ areas such as:
(i) policy formulation;
(ii) economics and planning;
(iii) registration and licensing systems;
(iv) information management;
(v) resource monitoring, assessment and management;
(vi) education and awareness building;
(vii) harvest and post-harvest technologies;
(c) encourage, support and, as appropriate, provide effective regional representation at relevant international fora;
(d) collect and provide relevant data on fisheries resources, including sharing, pooling and information exchange;
(e) promote the conduct of trade in fish and fish products according to applicable agreements;
(f) act as the central co-ordinating body for the Mechanism;
(g) serve as the Secretariat to the Ministerial Council and the Forum;
(h) collaborate with national fisheries authorities;
(i) formulate the Work Programme, prepare and submit the Budget of the Mechanism to the Forum;
(j) implement the Work Programme recommended by the Forum and approved by the Ministerial Council, including the preparation of such technical and scientific papers as may be required;
(k) provide management and development advice and assistance, particularly in the areas of co-ordination, communication and technical scientific operations;
(l) establish, in consultation with the Member States, and where appropriate and approved by the Ministerial Council, a network of relationships comprising non-CARICOM States as well as CARICOM and non-CARICOM organisations, bodies and institutions whose work and interest coincide with that of the Mechanism;
(m) develop projects for execution both in the Member States and regionally;
(n) seek and mobilise financial and other resources in support of the functions of the Mechanism;
(o) represent the Mechanism or, at the request of any Member State or group of Member States, represent them at meetings of international bodies and organisations which are concerned with fisheries in the Caribbean and whose objectives and activities coincide with those of the Mechanism;
(p) receive applications for Associate Membership or Observer Status and make recommendations in respect of such applications to the Forum;
(q) address urgent or ad hoc requests outside of the regular Work Programme presented by Member States;
(r) collaborate with the Executive Committee between meetings of the Forum in the execution of its functions;
(s) recommend to the Forum the staff regulations of the Mechanism.