BELIZE CITY, BELIZE, Wednesday, 24 January 2018 (CRFM)—Seven Caribbean countries are participating in a recently launched series of subprojects which the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) is leading under a sustainable management initiative for the flyingfish fishery.
In highlighting the importance of the initiative, CRFM Executive Director, Milton Haughton, said: “We in the region are utilizing a common space and common living marine resource; therefore, we need to cooperatively manage these common interests. One of these common interests is the flyingfish fishery, and the governance framework developed for the flyingfish fishery could be scaled up and applied to other fisheries in the region.”
The CRFM, the agency which provides fisheries-related advice and recommendations at the CARICOM level, initiated 6 sub-projects during 2017 to implement the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) for the management of the four-wing flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean. This species of economic and cultural significance to our region is harvested by over 1,700 boats across the Eastern Caribbean countries and in Martinique.
The sub-projects are being implemented in the focal countries of Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Dominica, and Trinidad and Tobago, plus the French Overseas Territories of Martinique and Guadeloupe.
The sub-projects, intended to support the long-term sustainability of the flyingfish, are part of the project funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Global Environment Facility (GEF) titled, Catalyzing Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of Shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (the CLME+ Project). The project aims to strengthen governance of the living marine resources by addressing habitat degradation, pollution, unsustainable fishing, inter-sectoral coordination, and management regimes for various fishery types, such as reef, continental shelf and pelagic fisheries.
The CRFM contracted Blue Earth Consultants, a division of the Eastern Research Group, to lead three of the six flyingfish sub-projects in collaboration with a team of local and international partners. The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) in Trinidad and Tobago and Nexus Coastal Resource Management (Nexus) in Halifax, Canada, are leading the remaining three sub-projects.
Blue Earth Consultants will work with stakeholders and officials in the focal countries at both technical and political levels until the subprojects conclude in mid-2019. The team is taking a participatory approach to gaining feedback and it will lead a consultative process to updating the Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fishery Management Plan (FMP). The FMP provides context and guidance for the management of the Eastern Caribbean region’s flyingfish fishery, developed through a process of extensive research, regional cooperation, collaboration, and stakeholder consultation. Endorsed for regional implementation in 2014, the plan was the first of its kind to have been sanctioned by the Ministerial Council of the CRFM, consistent with the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy.
Under this initiative, a sub-regional data policy will be developed to provide guidelines on how countries and Overseas Territories participating in the flyingfish fishery will collect and share data. The current status of flyingfish fishery data collection will be investigated and legal and drafting support will be provided by the consultants to develop template regulations for countries to implement. New recommendations will also be developed on vessel licensing arrangements and a census will be conducted on existing fishing vessels used to target the flyingfish.
The initiative will support improved cooperation between the 17 CRFM Member States and France on the management and conservation of shared living marine resources. Regional cooperation is vital to the sub-projects, given that flyingfish are a migratory species fished by six CRFM countries and the French Territories. Therefore, the project is developing a cooperation agreement for the CRFM States and France, based on stakeholder and expert inputs.
Throughout the course of the three sub-projects to be led by Blue Earth, information products will be developed and shared with stakeholders and the public to increase understanding of the flyingfish fishery and the sub-project outcomes.
The CLME+ Project was catalyzed by a US$12.5 million grant from the GEF, matched by government, multi-lateral and other funding for a total of more than US$146 million.
The CLME+ Project was catalyzed by a US$12.5 million grant from the GEF, matched by government, multi-lateral and other funding for a total of more than US$146 million.
BELIZE CITY, BELIZE, Friday, 8 December 2017 (CRFM)—The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) and its partners at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) recently held a wrap-up meeting in St. Lucia at which the outcomes of the novel Caribbean Fisheries Co-Management Project (CARIFICO) were unveiled. The most important benefits underscored are better catches and improved incomes for fishers who began using Fish Aggregating Devices or FADs. These were designed, constructed, deployed and managed in a cooperative manner by the fishers themselves in collaboration with government officials and with support from the Japanese experts.
Fishers from the pilot countries attended the meeting in St. Lucia and shared how the project has positively impacted them. Fisheries officials from the CARICOM countries, except for Bahamas and Belize, also attended. International partners from JICA, fisheries experts deployed in the region and officials from JICA headquarters in Japan, as well as representatives from the Embassy of Japan in Trinidad and Tobago, the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organisation, the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), and the University of Florida were also present.
CRFM Executive Director Milton Haughton said that he is impressed with the progress made in introducing co-management approaches in specific fisheries, as well as the level of investment of fishers in the process. Fishers have formed new fisherfolk organizations which are actively participating in the development and management of the target fisheries as a result of the CARIFICO project. Through the project, Governments in the 6 pilot countries are sharing more authority and responsibility for fisheries development and management with stakeholders by improving relations and communications, and promoting increased participation by them in decision-making in fisheries.
“They have seen significant social and economic benefits from working together and operating around the FADs. The fishers have been involved in the construction and deployment of the fishing gear, as well as developing rules to regulate activities around the FADs and collecting and fisheries data. This is a tangible example of what fishers can achieve by collaborating with each other and with the government,” Haughton said.
The Project Manager of the pilot project in Grenada, Mr. Toby Francis Calliste, said that they have learned a lot from the CARIFICO project. He noted that the fishing communities of Grenada have realized tremendous benefits through the co-management arrangement. The CARIFICO project has transformed the fishing industry in Grenville and by extension in Grenada, said Calliste, who presented on the impacts of the project in Grenada.
Dominican representatives said that fishers in that country embrace the important benefits of the FAD program. They add that the Roseau Complex fishers now exercise greater compliance with FAD management practices. They hope that with the sustained deployment of public FADs, user conflict will be reduced.
The CARIFICO-CRFM Joint Statement on Fisheries Co-Management, which is to be tabled at the April 2018 meeting of Fisheries Ministers from CRFM Member States, envisions the way forward. It addresses four areas: Support for Implementation of Co-management; Training in Support of Co-management; Co-management to Address Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management; and Public Education and Awareness.
The statement is intended to solidify the support of CRFM Member States for the implementation of the recommendations of the CARIFICO Project and the advancement of co-management, as well as improved fisheries governance in the Caribbean. This should include legal and institutional reforms, training and capacity development, public education and awareness building, and empowerment of fishers’ organizations and fishing communities.
BELIZE CITY, BELIZE, Wednesday, 29 November 2017 (CRFM)—An innovative fisheries project which the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) has been coordinating since 2013 in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) across six OECS Member States is nearing its end.
The Caribbean Fisheries Co-Management Project (CARIFICO) was developed in 2012. Between 2009 and 2012, CRFM and JICA worked on developing a masterplan for the sustainable use of fisheries resources for coastal communities in the Caribbean. The CARIFICO project is a follow up project recommended by the master plan. The overall goal of the project is developing and implementing fisheries co-management approaches in six pilot countries in the Eastern Caribbean and disseminating and sharing the experiences and knowledge acquired to the other CARICOM States. The pilot project field work was done in Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
The CRFM and JICA will convene a two-day meeting on 30 November – 1 December 2017 to review the project outcomes as well as chart the way forward. The CARIFICO-CRFM Regional Seminar on Strengthening Fisheries Co-management in the Region will take place at the Bay Gardens Resort in Castries, St. Lucia.
An opening ceremony will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, 30 November. Hon. Herod Stanislas, St. Lucia's Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Physical Planning, Natural Resources and Cooperatives, is billed to deliver the keynote address. Also scheduled to speak at the event are CRFM Executive Director - Milton Haughton; Permanent Secretary in the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, Natural Resources and Cooperatives in Saint Lucia - John Calixte; Director of JICA’s Rural Development Department - Ichiro Mimura; and the Chief Fisheries Officer in Saint Lucia - Sarita Williams-Peter.
Haughton said that CARIFICO was established roughly 5 years ago. Japan, which is very advanced in fisheries co-management and conservation, is supporting the initiative to transfer knowledge and build capacity in co-management in the Caribbean region, Haughton explained. Co-management is a governance system where responsibility for resource management is shared between the government and resource users, in this case, local fishers and their communities.
One emphasis of the project was demonstrating and testing co-management approaches by promoting the development and management of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) for harvesting tunas and other pelagic species. In Dominica, where most of the FADs were deployed, fisheries production increased significantly.
The project also tested co-management approaches in addressing ghost fishing by lost fish pots through the introduction of biodegradable panels in the pots.
This is vital since ghost fishing is a problem, especially when fishing gears get lost amid natural disasters. The problem is that drifting gear can keep snagging fish and other marine life. The adverse impact is mitigated by making the gears biodegradable, allowing them to self-destruct.
Over the course of the two-day meeting, presenters will detail what the project has achieved in strengthening co-management for the use of biodegradable fish pots, FADs for the pelagic fishery, and the conch fisheries. They will also discuss opportunities to strengthen co-management of the Caribbean’s offshore FAD fisheries.
The CARIFICO-CRFM Joint Statement on Fisheries Co-Management will also be developed, leading up to a discussion on the future direction of fisheries co-management. The statement, which will be refined at the meeting, details what the partners plan to achieve next in fulfillment of their mutual objectives. The finalized document is to be tabled at the April 2018 meeting of Fisheries Ministers from CRFM Member States who make up the organization’s Ministerial Council.
A team of experts from Japan did the final evaluation of the CARIFICO Project between August and November this year. The results from that final evaluation will be presented at the meeting.
Over US$2 billion to aid recovery after Hurricanes Irma and Maria
Belize City, 28 November 2017—Hurricanes Maria and Irma have left a wide swath of devastation through the Caribbean, underscoring the need for greater attention to be given to climate change and disaster risk management. The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism was among the agencies present at the UN Headquarters in New York for a recent high-level meeting called by the United Nations and CARICOM to attack this challenge head-on.
Dubbed the “CARICOM-UN High-level Pledging Conference: Building a more Climate-Resilient Community,” the event resulted in over US$2 million in pledges to respond to the urgent needs the countries and to offset an estimated US$5 million in recovery costs.
According to information released by the CARICOM Secretariat, the pledges (in US dollars) are as follows: $702 million from The Netherlands, $352 million from the European Union, $140 million from the World Bank, $ 78 million from Canada, $30million from China, $27 million from Mexico, $12 million from Italy, $4.3 million from the United States, $4 million from Japan, $1 million from Kuwait, $2 million from India, $1 million from Venezuela, $1.2 million from Belgium, $1 million from Chile, $500,000 from Denmark, $300,000 from Colombia, $250,000 from Haiti, US$ 250,000 from New Zealand, $200,000 from Brazil, $150,000 from Kazakhstan, $100,000 from Romania, $100,000 from Portugal, and $20,000 from Serbia.
The Inter-American Development Bank pledged U$1 billion in loans, while Italy pledged $30 million in soft loans and Venezuela forgave $1 million in debt for a more resilient Caribbean.
CRFM Executive Director Milton Haughton participated in the technical meeting for the conference held on Monday, 20 November. Meanwhile, Caribbean leaders participated in the ministerial meeting convened on Tuesday, 21 November.
Over 400 attended the high-level meeting organized by CARICOM and the US
CARICOM Secretary-General Ambassador Irwin LaRocque said at the conference which was attended by over 400 high-level representatives of government, private sector, civil society and multilateral agencies that, “the task of rebuilding is beyond us. We cannot do it alone. We need your help.”
He urged that the same collaboration and generosity which marked the relief efforts should continue as the countries go forward to build a resilient Caribbean.
Speaking specifically on the plight of the fisheries sector in affected member states, the CRFM Executive Director underscored the vulnerability of fisheries communities, noting that they have sustained extensive damage and loss throughout the production and distribution chain as a result of the recent hurricanes.
According to Haughton, preliminary damage estimates for Dominica’s fisheries sector stood at roughly US$3 million. The initial assessment for Antigua and Barbuda stood at just over US$316,000. These numbers figures reflect damages mostly to fishing boats and equipment, as well as infrastructure vital to the sector.
The CRFM Executive Director explained that these figures do not include damage to marine ecosystems and habitats (coral reefs, mangroves etc.) or impacts on the fish stocks themselves
Haughton stressed that many fishing communities already subsist in precarious and vulnerable conditions because of poverty and rural underdevelopment, and he underscored the need for adaptations to secure a more resilient future for them.
The widespread use of information technology in establishing early warning systems to share weather information, as well as to share market information, is one form of adaptation.
One important strategy is to spread and reduce risks through the diversification of livelihoods and the provision of risk insurance.
Haughton detailed the Caribbean Ocean Assets Sustainability FaciliTy (COAST), which is a parametric insurance facility designed to incentivize investments in preventative measures that promote both sustainable fish production and adaptation to climate change. It also helps Caribbean States to incorporate climate-smart food security best practices during reconstruction of coastal assets after extreme weather events.
He said that the objective is to provide incentives for the fisheries sector to use climate-smart food security best practices within the region to simultaneously improve food security and coastal resilience in the face of a changing climate.
Belize City, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 (CRFM)— Twenty border control officers from six Member States of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) completed a three-week training course in Fisheries Prosecution and Interdiction, organized by the Barbados-based Regional Security System (RSS) in collaboration with the CRFM Secretariat, the Government of Barbados and the British Royal Navy’s Fisheries Protection Squadron.
The training, held at the Coast Guard Base of the Barbados Defense Force: HMBS Pelican, brought together officers of the Antigua and Barbuda Defense Force Coast Guard, Barbados Coast Guard, Royal Barbados Police Force Marine Unit, Royal Grenada Police Force Marine Unit, Royal Saint Lucia Police Force Marine Unit, the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force Coast Guard, and the St. Kitts-Nevis Defense Force Coast Guard.
The aim of the course was to heighten the awareness and enhance the skills and competencies of authorized officers who have border security responsibilities for enforcing the laws under the Fisheries Acts, Fisheries Regulations and supporting administrative policies.
Peter A. Murray - Programme Manager, Fisheries Management and Development, CRFM Secretariat, lecturing to participants
Participants have increased their capability to function in an operational environment and in accordance with best practices based on the Prosecution and Enforcement Manuals for CARIFORUM Member States: Volume 1 – Fisheries Prosecution Manual; and Volume 2 – Fisheries Enforcement Standard Operating Procedures Manual.
These officers who have border security responsibilities are now more knowledgeable about the correct procedures to follow while enforcing the laws under their Fisheries Acts and Regulations. They are also better able to prepare for trial proceedings where offences are committed in violation of the Fisheries Laws and where illegal, unreported or unregulated (IUU) fishing has been perpetrated. IUU fishing is a major concern for CARICOM States, as it undermines efforts to conserve and sustainably manage the region’s fisheries resources and jeopardizes food security, livelihoods, and foreign exchange earnings from fisheries.
The subject matter experts who facilitated the course were drawn from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) – Barbados; the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) Secretariat; the Royal Barbados Police Force Marine Unit; Royal Navy – Fisheries Protection Squadron; the Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic - Barbados; the Fisheries Division of the Ministry of Agriculture Food Fisheries and Water Resource Management – Barbados; and the Regional Security System Headquarters. All participants were awarded an RSS Certificate of Training for the successful completion of the Fisheries Prosecution and Interdiction course.
This course was jointly funded by European Union through the 10th EDF Project and RSS Headquarters. The Regional Security System (RSS) is an international agreement for the defense and security of the Eastern Caribbean region. The seven member nations are: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Member States cooperate in the prevention and interdiction of trafficking in illegal narcotic drugs, in national emergencies, search and rescue, immigration control, fisheries protection, customs and excise control, maritime policing duties, natural and other disasters, pollution control, combating threats to national security, the prevention of smuggling, and in the protection of offshore installations and exclusive economic zones. The RSS also provides training for joint land and maritime operations, disaster relief, anti-drug operations and antiterrorism and intelligence gathering and sharing.
Belize City, Friday, 20 October 2017 (CRFM)—Several Caribbean countries have been recently devastated by two catastrophic hurricanes, Irma and Maria, underscoring the need for Member States of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) to press forward with risk insurance for the fisheries sector—being developed by the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility Segregated Portfolio Company (CCRIF SPC, formerly known as the CCRIF) in collaboration with the World Bank. This initiative to develop risk insurance for the fisheries sector in CARICOM States is supported by the United States government under the Caribbean Ocean and Aquaculture Sustainability Facility (COAST).
At the 7th Meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council, hosted in Georgetown, Guyana, on 5th October 2017, policy-makers underscored the need for CARICOM Member States to move ahead with adopting risk insurance that would enable the fisheries sector and fishers to bounce back more quickly after a hurricane strikes. So far, there has been no payout provided specifically for the rehabilitation and recovery of the fisheries sector, although there have been other payouts under the broader umbrella of the CCRIF scheme. Since its establishment in 2007, the CCRIF SPC has made payouts of a little more than US$100 million to 12 of its 17 member countries – all within 14 days of the disaster event.
“Having such an insurance scheme is one of the good things we can do to help fishers get back on their feet as soon as possible after a disaster,” said CRFM Executive Director, Milton Haughton.
The development and implementation of the livelihood protection policy for individual small-scale operators and the sovereign parametric policy for States that the CCRIF SPC is working on, now assumes greater urgency for the sector, the CRFM Executive Director underscored.
Haughton expresses the hope that in light of the destruction and devastation which the recent hurricanes have caused in CRFM Member States such as Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Haiti, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, and Turks and Caicos, that all parties will redouble their efforts to get the risk insurance facilities for the sector established as soon as possible and certainly before the next hurricane season. He said that the insurance policies are being designed to provide quick relief to those fishers who experience distress as a result of disasters such as hurricanes.
A report published by the Fisheries Division of Antigua and Barbuda in September, titled ‘HURRICANE IRMA – PRELIMINARY DAMAGE ASSESSMENT FOR ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA’S FISHERIES SECTOR,” said: “In terms of the impact Hurricane Irma had on fishers and their families, considering the role the sector plays with respect to employment, food security and as a ‘safety-net’ for other economic activities (i.e., occupational pluralism), a total of 778 individuals were affected including 193 fishers and 585 financial dependents… This accounted for 25.5% of the population of Barbuda (1,800) (i.e., one in every four persons) and 0.3% of the population of Antigua (91,440).”
The report notes that there were 37 boats, over 2,000 fish traps, and 17 gill nets destroyed. An aquaponics facility at which fish and vegetables are farmed together suffered minor damage and damages were also reported to some fisheries facilities, such as wharves and public buildings.
The CRFM Secretariat is currently developing a model Disaster Management Plan for the Fisheries Sector of the region to facilitate adequate preparation by stakeholders before disaster events and to ensure speedy, coordinated assessment and recovery efforts after such events.
35 fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) officers of 16 countries met in Barbados and reached an expert agreement on the introduction of harmonized standards for fishing vessel marking and identification, the establishment of a regional record of authorized fishing vessels and a regional list of vessels involved in Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing and related activities.
The countries gathered in the 2nd meeting of the Regional Working Group on IUU Fishing (RWG-IUU); a joint working group, convened by the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) and composed of members of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC), the CRFM and the Organization for Fisheries and Aquaculture of Central America (OSPESCA).
The measures discussed and agreed by the experts at this meeting allow the fisheries inspectors, coast guard, navy and port officials to easily identify fishing vessels and see if the vessels have the necessary authorizations to fish. The measures will facilitate the work of the inspectors and other officials, who will have access to a regional record of authorized fishing vessels and lists of presumed and confirmed IUU fishing vessels. This will enable them to deny port access and support prosecution actions against IUU vessels.
The advice from the Working Group will be reviewed by the Interim Coordination Mechanism for sustainable Fisheries of WECAFC, CRFM and OSPESCA and is likely to be endorsed in 2018 by all countries in the region for implementation to start in early 2019.
At the meeting, the MCS officers were updated on the International Plan of Action to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing (IPOA-IUU), the Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels, and specific measures needed in the Caribbean region to effectively end IUU fishing.
IUU fishing is a hot topic in the region. Illegal fishing is not just fishing against the laws that are in place. It is also destroying the efforts of fisheries managers and legitimate fishers to manage and conserve the aquatic biodiversity and stocks. The growth in IUU fishing is driven by greed, opportunities provided and lack of deterrent. The joint Working Group aims to build capacity within the region to tackle IUU fishing and strengthen collaboration between the countries in the region in doing so.
The Western Central Atlantic, which includes the Caribbean Sea, is in the top five most overexploited fisheries areas worldwide. Fisheries production decreased from 2.5 million tonnes annually in the 1980s to 1.3 million tonnes in recent years. It is estimated that IUU fishing in the Western Central Atlantic accounts for between 20 and 30% of total reported harvests, representing a value of 450 to 750 million USD annually with dire implications for millions of peoples’ livelihoods, especially in the Caribbean islands.
FAO, WECAFC, CRFM and OSPESA encourage all Caribbean states to join in this regional effort to reduce IUU fishing and to adopt international best-practices to build a viable fisheries based on sustainable stocks.
This meeting of the RWG-IUU was made possible with support from the European Union’s DG Mare and FAO’s Global Record team. The 2nd meeting of the Regional Working Group on IUU fishing was held in Barbados on 19-21 September at the Secretariat of the WECAFC in the United Nations House in Barbados.
More information can be obtained from the WECAFC Secretariat at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr. Maren Headley, our Research Graduate - Research & Resource Assessment, returned to work on August 1st, 2017, after four years of study leave. Maren joined the CRFM Secretariat on August 1st, 2006 and has recently completed a Doctorate in Science at the Marist University of Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Her doctoral thesis is titled “Spatiotemporal analysis of bio-economic indicators in a small-scale rights-based managed Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) fishery.” The fishery on which her thesis is based was MSC certified in 2012 and is located in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Her thesis is also an output of the Community Conservation Research Network (CCRN) which is coordinated by the St. Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada. CCRN is an international initiative which seeks to understand and support the links between communities, their natural resources, conservation, and livelihoods around the globe.
Dr Headley is looking forward to using her knowledge and skills in the areas of small-scale fisheries, property rights in fisheries management, fisheries bio-economics, and coastal benthic habitat mapping to contribute to the work of the CRFM Secretariat. We congratulate her on her achievement and welcome her back to the CRFM.
Dr. Maren Headley, our Research Graduate-Resource and Research Assessment, returned to work on August 1st, 2017, after four years of study leave. Maren joined the CRFM Secretariat on August 1st, 2006 and has recently completed a Doctorate in Science at the Marist University of Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Her doctoral thesis is titled “Spatiotemporal analysis of bio-economic indicators in a small-scale rights-based managed Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) fishery.” This fishery obtained MSC certification in 2012 and is located in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Her thesis is also an output of the Community Conservation Research Network (CCRN) which is coordinated by the St. Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada. CCRN is an international initiative which seeks to understand and support the links between communities, their natural resources, conservation, and livelihoods around the globe.
Dr Headley is looking forward to using her knowledge and skills in the areas of small-scale fisheries, property rights in fisheries management, fisheries bio-economics, and coastal benthic habitat mapping to contribute to the work of the CRFM Secretariat. We congratulate her on her achievement and welcome her back to the CRFM.
Over the past 30 years, storms, hurricanes and flooding associated with climate change and climate variability have had devastating impacts on Caribbean people, their property and livelihoods, and on the social and economic development of our region.
As noted in a recent public address delivered by Milton Haughton, the Executive Director of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), "Fishers and fishing communities, in coastal areas are particularly vulnerable to natural disasters especially the storms and hurricanes during the hurricane season each year."
The hurricane season opened last month and will run through to November, and fishers and fishing communities, in coastal areas are particularly vulnerable to natural disasters especially the storms and hurricanes duringthis time of the year.
It is in this context that Haughton highlighted an initiative to reduce risk to the fisheries sector in the Caribbean. This is the provision of Risk Insurance for fishers.
On the occasion of Fisherfolk Day, 2017, Haughton detailed the initiative as follows:
"Since 2015, United States Department of State has been partnering with the World Bank, CRFM, the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF), CNFO, and others to develop a parametric insurance product to be implemented by Caribbean governments to promote the resilience of their fisheries sector against the peril of increasing climate-change related disaster risk," he explained.
According to the CRFM Executive Director, the insurance policy would be structured in a way to provide incentive for governments to promote and implement international best practices in fisheries management and a disaster risk management, but before they purchase the policy, countries would be evaluated to determine how well they are doing in implementing these best practices.
"For example, Countries with good fisheries management systems and disaster risk management plans in place for the fisheries sector would pay lower premiums and receive higher payouts if there is a disaster. Payouts would be made by the insurance facility when the agreed trigger event has occurred," he explained, adding that funds would be used to help with the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the fisheries sector.
"The CCRIF is also in the process of developing a micro-insurance policy for low income persons in the fisheries in the region. This is called the Livelihood Protection Policy (LPP)--designed to protect low-income people against extreme weather risks," Haughton said.
This policy, he explained, will be available through existing insurers.
"The LPP is being customized for small-scale fishers and small aquaculture operators in the region with the intention to cover losses to livelihoods caused by storms, heavy rainfall, high winds and other climate related variables. The policy will provide quick payouts to enable fishers and fish farmers to recover more quickly after a damaging event," Haughton announced.