The “BE-CLME+”: Promoting National Blue Economy Priorities Through Marine Spatial Planning in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Plus Project seeks to promote blue economy development in the CLME+ through marine spatial planning and strengthening of marine protected areas (MPAs), ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF), and sustainable seafood value chains. The CRFM, an inter-governmental CARICOM agency, is the executing agency for the 4-year BE-CLME+ project, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), which endorsed the Project in November 2022 and provided a US$6.2 million grant for the project.
The participating countries are Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Panama, and Saint Lucia, while the partner organizations are the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF), CRFM, the University of the West Indies Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (UWI-CERMES), University of Florida Sea Grant, which has committed co-financing of approximately US$41.7 million. The CRFM is the executing agency, while FAO and CAF are the GEF co-implementing agencies. These partners will support the governments of the participating countries in implementing the project interventions, from which benefits will be spread across the region. The project’s budget includes US$25 million in co-financing from CAF, for lines of credit through national financial institutions to support the development of fisheries value chains.
GEF Project ID 10211
GEF Period: GEF - 7
Project Type: Full-size Project
Focal Areas: Biodiversity & International Waters
Funding Source: GEF Trust Fund
Project Timeline
08 Apr 2019:
Project received by GEF
19 Dec 2019:
Concept Approved
11 Nov 2022:
Project Approved for Implementation
27-29 Sept 2023:
Inception Workshop and First Regional Steering Committee Meeting
Financials (USD)
Co-financing Total:
GEF Project Grant:
GEF Agency Fees:
Project Components
The project’s three (3) components are:
- Component 1: Implementing cross-sectoral Marine Spatial Planning.
- Component 2: Inclusive Sustainable Fisheries Value Chains.
- Component 3: Regional Coordination, Project Management & Knowledge Management.
By the end of the project, there will be marine spatial plans developed at both the regional and national levels, as well as blue economy strategies for the participating countries. Furthermore, the project will support the creation and expansion of areas that benefit from effective area-based management, such as marine management areas and marine protected areas, in recognition of the need for access from a range of stakeholders in a manner that reduces the risk of conflicts.
Project Activities
Learn more here.
Download Inception Report | Download Consultation Report
- CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet Document
- FSP CEO endorsement document
- GEFSEC Review
- STAP _screen Dec.2019
Partner Agencies and Initiatives
Key Collaborating Authorities
Barbados Fisheries Division
Coastal Zone Management Unit of Barbados
Belize Ministry of the Blue Economy and Disaster Risk
Belize Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management
Belize Fisheries Department
Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute of Belize
Guyana Fisheries Department
Guyana Protected Areas Commission
Guyana Environmental Protection Agency
Jamaica National Fisheries Authority
Ministry of the Environment of Panama
Panama Department of Planning of Coastal and Sea Space
Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama
Saint Lucia Department of Fisheries
Saint Lucia Department of Sustainable Development