As part of the Caribbean Track of the Pilot Programme forClimate Resilience a series of ecological, economic and social assessmentsof climate change impacts on marine resources and the fisheries sector were undertaken between March 2018 and January 2019. This synthesis provides key conclusions arising from theassessment of (1) climate risks and ecological impacts for Caribbean marine fish stocks, (2) the economic consequences of ecosystem shifts and of increased tropical cyclone activity and (3) fisheries viability and resilience through the lens of value chains. Overall, multiple lines of evidence suggest large risk and impacts of climate variationon the Caribbean Sea’s fish stocks and fisheries. Economic assessment results suggest a large pre-existing “adaptation deficit”, as the estimated economic impacts of climate change appear smallrelative to documented lossesand damages under current climate conditions.. Research at two local fishing sites reveals opportunities to improve climate resilience across the seafood value chain by empowering resource users to self-organize and build local adaptive capacity, promoting seafood product differentiation and identifying enablers for governance effectiveness.Several improvements and extensions to the ecological and economic modelling undertaken under this project are possible and recommended; however, sufficient information from this and previous research is available to inform adaptation planning and targeted measures. Assessment results will form the basis of a communications campaign and monitoring and management recommendations undertaken as part of the project.
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No. |
Date |
Author |
Title | |
2019 | CRFM |
CRFM Research Paper Collection Volume 9 ISBN: 978-976-8257-92-5 |
2019 | CRFM |
CRFM Research Paper Collection Volume 8 ISBN#: 978-976-8293-07-7 |
2014 | Kimberlee Cooke-Panton | |||
2013 | CRFM | |||
2013 | CRFM |
CRFM Research Paper Collection -Volume 6 ISBN # 978-976-8165-67-1 |
2012 | Murielle Felix | |||
2012 | Alisa Martin | |||
2012 | Tricia Lovell |
Towards a Management Plan for Antigua and Barbuda's Queen Conch Fishery: A Co-Management Approcah |
2011 | Mitchell Lay | |||
2011 | Netty Martowitono |
Efficiency on Cleaning and Disinfection on Fish Contact Surfaces |
2011 | Stacy-Ann Gray |
An Economic and Production Assessment Model for Ornamental Fish Production in Jamaica |
2011 | Yvonne Edwin |
An Apraisal of the Fisheries Data Collection System in Saint Lucia |
2010 | Mauro Gongora |
Assessment of the Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) of Belize based on Fishery-Dependent Data |
2010 | Rolerick H. Sobers | |||
2010 | Ricardo A. Morris |
A Bioeconomic Analysis of the Jamaican Industrial Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) Fishery |
2009 | Maren Headley |
Harvesting of Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean: A Bioeconomic Perspective |
2009 | CRFM | |||
2009 | CRFM | |||
2007 | Dawn Maison |
Management of Inshore Artisinal Fisheries in Guyana a Co-management Approach |
2007 | June H. C. Masters | |||
2006 | CRFM | |||
2006 | Maria Pena | |||
2006 | CRFM |
Report of the Study Mission to Canada conducted 9 - 22 July 2006 |
2006 | CRFM | |||
2006 | CRFM | |||
2006 | Jennifer Cruickshank, Peter A. Murray, Terrence Phillips, Susan Singh-Renton, Leslie Straker |
Discussion paper on Implementing Mechanism for a Common Fisheries Policy and Regime |
2005 | CRFM | |||
2005 | CRFM | |||
2005 | CRFM | |||
2005 | CRFM | |||
2005 | CRFM | |||
2004 | CRFM |
The Effects of Liberalization and Trade Related Policies on Fisheries and Measures Required for their Sustainable Development in the CARIFORUM / CARICOM Region (Parts A and B) by Lloyd B. Rankine (PhD), Govind Seepersad (MSc), Ranjit H. Singh (PhD), December 2004 |
2004 | Joseph O. Palacio | |||
2004 | CRFM | |||
2004 | CRFM | |||
2004 | CRFM | |||
2004 | CRFM | |||
2004 | CRFM | |||
2004 | CRFM | |||
2004 | CRFM |
Glover’s Reef Marine Reserve Fisheries Boat Census 2004 (PART 1), Belize by Sandra Grant, June 2004 |
2004 | CRFM |
Glover’s Reef Marine Reserve Data Collection Plan (PART 2), Belize by Sandra Grant, June 2004 |
2004 | CRFM | |||
2004 | CRFM | |||
2004 | Camilo Coral | |||
2004 | Trevor Hamilton and Associates |
Options for Institutional Rationalization of Coastal Zone Management in Belize. |
2004 | CRFM | |||
2003 | CRFM |
Report of the Multidisciplinary Survey of the Fisheries of Haiti, 24 November 2003 |
2003 | CRFM |
Strategic Plan for the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism |
2003 | CRFM | |||
2003 | CRFM | |||
2002 | CRFM |
Regional Overview of the Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) resources in CARICOM / CARIFORUM Countries |
2002 | CFTU |
Report of the Capacity Training Workshop for Fisheries Field Officers, 22 – 27 July 2002, Dominican Republic |
2002 | CFTU | |||
2002 | Almerigi, S | |||
2001 | CFTU |
Report of Fisheries Data Collection and Management Training Workshop, 23 – 26 October 2001, Dominican Republic |
2001 | CFRAMP | |||
2001 | CRFM | |||
2001 | CFRAMP | |||
2001 | CFTU | |||
2001 | CFTU | |||
1998 | CFRAMP |
National Reports and Selected papers presented at the Regional fishery Management Planning Workshop, 22 - 24 April 1998, Christ Church, Barbados |
1997 | Adele Ramos, Gilbert Richard and Terrence Phillips | |||
1997 | Adele Ramos and Terrence Phillips | |||
1996 | Stephanie Marshalleck |
Report of the Conch and Lobster Subproject Specification and Training Workshop (Available in hard copy only). |
1996 | Shrimp and Groundfish Resource Assessment Unit |
Report of the Joint Meeting of the CFRAMP Shrimp and Groundfish Subproject Specification Workshop and Fourth WECAFC Ad Hoc Shrimp and Groundfish Working Group of the Guiana-Brazil Shelf (Distribution Restricted). |
1996 | David Brown, Ph.D |
Fishermen as Co-Managers of Communal Property in the CARICOM Region - Paper presented at the 6th Annual Common Property Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property |
1995 | Brian Luckhurst and Stephanie Marshalleck |
Subproject Initiation Mission Report and background Review for Spiny Lobster and Conch. |
1995 | Shrimp and Groundfish Resource Assessment Unit |
Subproject Initiation Mission Report and Background Review for Shrimp and Groundfish. |
1994 | CRFM |
A Socio-Economic Baseline Survey of Thirty Fishing Communities in Twelve CARICOM Countries (Available in hard copy only) |
1994 | CFRAMP |
Large Pelagics, Reef and Deep-Slope Fishes Assessment Sub-project Specification Workshop Report |
1994 | Charmaine Gomez, Robin Mahon, Susan Singh-Renton and Wayne Hunte |
The Role of Drifting Objects in Pelagics Fisheries in the Southeastern Caribbean. |
1993 | Paul Fanning | |||
1993 | Susan Singh-Renton and Robin Mahon | |||
1993 | CFRAMP |
Report of the Subproject Initiation Mission Report for the Large Pelagic, Reef and Deep Slope Fishes Assessment Subproject (Available in hard copy only). |
1993 | Garret Manwaring and Paul Fanning | |||
1993 | Stephenie Auil-Marshalleck | |||
1992 | Robin Mahon and R. Bateson | |||
1992 | Milton Haughton |
Report of the Subproject Specification Workshop for National Fishery Management Plans, held in Kingston, Jamaica, 14 - 17 December 1992 (Available in hard copy only). |
1992 | Robin Mahon, Karl Aiken and John Neilson |
Guidelines for Preparation and Production of Fishery Documentation Series Produced by the CFRAMP |
1992 | Robin Mahon and Peter A. Murray | |||
1992 | Robin Mahon and Stephen Boyce |
Baseline Survey of Fisheries Department in CFRAMP Participating Countries. |
1992 | Robin Mahon, Andre Kong and Karl Aiken |
A Preliminary Assessment of the Conch Fishery on the Shelf and Bank off the South Coast of Jamaica. |
1992 | Susan Singh-Renton | |||
1992 | Paul Fanning | |||
1992 | Neil Ward Faulkner, Robin Mahon and Milton Haughton |
Subproject Initiation Mission Report for National Fishery Management Plans (WBS 1.1.1). |
Yuri Sanjeev Chakalall, Robin Mahon, Hazel Oxenford and Raymond Ryan |
Fish Exporting in the Grenadines Islands: Activities of Trading Vessels and Supplying Fishers. |
Fisheries Data Collection and Management Training Workshop, Suriname |