This report documents activities undertaken to satisfy Milestone Four of the contract with Counterpart International, a funding partner for a collaborative project involving the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism, Florida Sea Grant, the Dominica Fisheries Division and the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Fisheries Division. During the period of March-May 2013 members of the project team developed and implemented a daily activity planner (i.e., planner) as a method of facilitating communication and cooperation among fishers using public or shared fish aggregation devices (FADs
The Dominica Fisheries Division has partnered with the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Fisheries Division, the University of Florida Sea Grant Program, and the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism to evaluate catch success and the benefits derived by fishers who use fish aggregation devices (FADs). This effort is being funded through grants and services supplied by the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), the University of Florida Sea Grant Program (FSG), and Counterpart International.